Articles about:

Credit Transfer Costs
Mãos de mulher a assinar contrato de crédito com dedo indicador de homem a apontar para a folha
Housing Credit Acquisition

If I transfer my credit, do the financing limits remain the same?

The Bank of Portugal (BoP) established in 2018 certain measures to limit bank financing in credit contracts. But do they also apply to transfers? Find out next.

31 May 20243 min

Corte nas taxas de juro pode estar mais perto que o previsto no semestre passado
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Rate cuts may be closer than expected in the past semester.

The interest rate cut may be closer than expected, but until it arrives: there are also other immediate solutions for you to save on your home loan installment.

27 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro média diminui em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Average interest rate decreases in December

The average interest rate on home loans dropped for the 3rd consecutive time in December 2023. Find out which values are at stake next.

23 Feb 20243 min

Taxa de inflação em Portugal aumenta para 2,3% no mês de janeiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in Portugal increases to 2.3% in the month of January.

Check out the numbers released by the National Institute of Statistics regarding January, and how to alleviate the monthly budget in this context.

23 Feb 20243 min

Devo declarar em IRS as vendas que efetuo em 2.ª mão?

Do I have to declare the sales I make second-hand in IRS?

DECO PROteste clarifies: Currently, it is not necessary to declare income obtained through second-hand sales, but it may become necessary in the future. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Feb 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Amortizações antecipadas quase duplicam em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Early repayments nearly double in 2023

With the rise in interest rates, early repayment of housing credit was a popular option for the Portuguese in 2023 to avoid high interest rates. Check out the numbers.

15 Feb 20242 min

Taxa mista foi o regime contratado em 71% dos créditos habitação em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mixed rate was the contracted regime in 71% of home loans in 2023.

The mixed interest rate represented 71% of housing credit contracts in 2023. Check out the data, released by the Bank of Portugal (BdP).

14 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Dedução dos juros no IRS só para contratos até 2011
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing credit: Interest deduction in IRS only for contracts until 2011.

Only taxpayers who have taken out a home loan by December 2011 can deduct the interest from the contract in IRS. Understand what is at stake.

08 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação com taxa variável? Saiba se a sua prestação desce em fevereiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage with variable rate? Find out if your installment goes down in February.

If you have a mortgage with a variable interest rate regime, indexed to the three or six month Euribor, it's official: you will see your monthly installment slightly decrease in February. Understand the values at play.

07 Feb 20243 min

BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas na 1.ª reunião do ano
Mortgage Credit Transfer

ECB keeps interest rates unchanged at 1st meeting of the year

The European Central Bank (ECB) keeps interest rates unchanged, continuing the pause in rate hikes at the first meeting of the year. Find out more next.

05 Feb 20244 min

8 dicas para poupar com créditos, seguros e outros encargos

8 tips to save on loans, insurance, and other charges.

Get to know the 8 tips from DECO Proteste, mentioned by Notícias ao Minuto, to start saving on loans, insurance, and other expenses, and improve your personal finances.

05 Feb 20246 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro média anual fixa-se em 3,612% em 2023
Mortgage Savings Credit

Mortgage credit: Average annual interest rate settles at 3.612% in 2023

Notice the data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and learn how to download your home installment.

24 Jan 20243 min

Taxas de juro vão baixar no verão? Largarde assume possibilidade
Mortgage Savings Credit

Interest rates will lower in the summer? Lagarde assumes possibility.

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), acknowledges the possibility of interest rates potentially being cut in the summer. Understand the leader's words better in the article.

24 Jan 20243 min

Fixar a prestação da casa: Ainda pode aderir ao apoio do Governo
Mortgage Savings Credit

Fixed installment of the house: You can still join the Government support.

The request can be made until March this year, and entitles you to a fixed amount of monthly installment in home credit. Learn how it works.

22 Jan 20243 min

Ministério das Finanças realça que “taxa de inflação está no valor mais baixo dos últimos dois anos”
Mortgage Savings Credit

Ministry of Finance highlights that "inflation rate is at the lowest value in the last two years."

In a social network, the Ministry of Finance highlighted that the inflation rate recorded in December was the lowest in recent years. Understand it better, next.

19 Jan 20243 min