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Interest rates
Prestações da casa com Euribor descem entre 24€ e 81€ em setembro

Prestações da casa com Euribor descem entre 24€ e 81€ em setembro

Com o corte das taxas de juro diretoras, as taxas Euribor continuam a descer, o que tem levado à redução progressiva das prestações mensais dos créditos habitação com taxa variável. Saiba quanto poderá descer em setembro.

04 Sep 20242 min

BCE decide manter taxas de juro inalteradas

BCE decide manter taxas de juro inalteradas

Os valores das taxas de juro vão manter-se por decisão do BCE. Releia os números.

23 Jul 20242 min

BCE volta a cortar taxas de juro, ainda que pouco confiante

BCE volta a cortar taxas de juro, ainda que pouco confiante

Ainda que com reservas de alguns membros do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), foi avançado mais um corte nas taxas de juro no mês de junho.

10 Jul 20243 min

Banco Central Europeu desce taxas de juro pela primeira vez desde 2016
Mortgage Credit Transfer

European Central Bank cuts interest rates for the first time since 2016.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to lower interest rates for the first time since 2016 after the tightening cycle of monetary policy that began in 2022, easing loans for households. Get to know the numbers.

07 Jun 20243 min

Mulher em areia com mãos na cabeça para simbolizar frustração da subida de taxas de juros
Housing Credit Acquisition

Bank of Portugal considers raising interest rates a "cold shower" for the economy.

In a post, the BdP explains how the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates to curb price hikes and inflation. Understand in the following.

05 Jun 20242 min

Mais uma vez, BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Once again, ECB keeps interest rates unchanged.

For the fifth time in a row, the European Central Bank (ECB) kept interest rates unchanged. Find out what is at stake and how to get lower rates on home loans.

19 Apr 20243 min

Centeno assume condições para corte nas taxas de juro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Centeno assumes conditions for interest rate cuts.

Mário Centeno considers conditions to be met and the next ECB meeting will be on April 11, but the president only hints at interest rate cuts in the summer.

26 Mar 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Taxas de juro caem pela 1.ª vez desde 2022
Housing Credit Acquisition

Home loan: Interest rates decreased for the first time since 2022.

For the first time since March 2022, housing credit interest rates have decreased, along with the average installment. Get to know the numbers released by INE, next.

25 Mar 20243 min

Taxa de juro média dos novos créditos desce para 4,03% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Average interest rate on new loans drops to 4.03% in January.

The average interest rate on new credit contracts decreased from December to January, reflecting the slowdown in leading interest rates. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Mar 20242 min

BCE decide (mais uma vez) manter taxas de juro inalteradas
Mortgage Credit Transfer

BCE decides (once again) to keep interest rates unchanged.

The three benchmark interest rates remain unchanged. Find out what impact this decision will have on your loans.

19 Mar 20243 min

Corte nas taxas de juro pode estar mais perto que o previsto no semestre passado
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Rate cuts may be closer than expected in the past semester.

The interest rate cut may be closer than expected, but until it arrives: there are also other immediate solutions for you to save on your home loan installment.

27 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação com taxa mista: Afinal, como funciona?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage with mixed rate: After all, how does it work?

The mixed interest rate combines two regimes: the fixed rate with the variable rate. What has been shown to be the most advantageous option for many clients. Learn how it works.

26 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro média diminui em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Average interest rate decreases in December

The average interest rate on home loans dropped for the 3rd consecutive time in December 2023. Find out which values are at stake next.

23 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Amortizações antecipadas quase duplicam em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Early repayments nearly double in 2023

With the rise in interest rates, early repayment of housing credit was a popular option for the Portuguese in 2023 to avoid high interest rates. Check out the numbers.

15 Feb 20242 min

Crédito habitação com taxa variável? Saiba se a sua prestação desce em fevereiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage with variable rate? Find out if your installment goes down in February.

If you have a mortgage with a variable interest rate regime, indexed to the three or six month Euribor, it's official: you will see your monthly installment slightly decrease in February. Understand the values at play.

07 Feb 20243 min