What are the differences between fixed and variable rates?
Stay tuned for this new section Tips to save money with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finances.
Stay tuned for this new section Tips to save money with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finances.
In a post, the BdP explains how the European Central Bank (ECB) raised interest rates to curb price hikes and inflation. Understand in the following.
It is the second consecutive month that home loan interest rates have decreased: Understand the data involved and how to access the best rates in this financing.
The government's measure to set the monthly house payment did not cover all contracts that would be eligible for the process. Find out why and how to fix the installment in a different way.
The interest rate cut may be closer than expected, but until it arrives: there are also other immediate solutions for you to save on your home loan installment.
The average interest rate on home loans dropped for the 3rd consecutive time in December 2023. Find out which values are at stake next.
The mixed interest rate represented 71% of housing credit contracts in 2023. Check out the data, released by the Bank of Portugal (BdP).
Only taxpayers who have taken out a home loan by December 2011 can deduct the interest from the contract in IRS. Understand what is at stake.
The European Central Bank (ECB) keeps interest rates unchanged, continuing the pause in rate hikes at the first meeting of the year. Find out more next.
Notice the data released by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and learn how to download your home installment.
Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), acknowledges the possibility of interest rates potentially being cut in the summer. Understand the leader's words better in the article.
After a downward cycle for seven months, the inflation rate in the Eurozone is now increasing again in December, according to Eurostat data. Understand what is at stake and how to ensure greater budget stability, in the face of the instability of the current economic situation.
For home loan holders with variable interest rate, 2024 finally brings a relief in monthly installments: There is a forecasted decrease in various Euribor rates, with a slowdown in reference interest rates. Understand better what is expected this year and how to immediately reduce your loan installment.
According to Eurobarometer, 83% of the Portuguese respondents believe that their standard of living will worsen by 2024. So, how can one protect themselves from this prediction if they have insurance and loans?
For those with a variable interest rate housing loan, 2024 brings good news: an expected relief in Euribor rates for three, six, and 12 month terms. Find out when.