Articles about:

Mortgage credit simulation
Cozinha de casa simbolizando crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Need a home loan? Find the best without hassle and without cost.

If you are looking for a home loan, know that it is possible to find the best on the market for you, without any hassle or cost. Understand how a credit intermediary like Poupança no Minuto can help you.

11 Jun 20243 min

Casal feliz sentados a assinar contrato de crédito habitação em mesa
Housing Credit Acquisition

Can I choose the mortgage before choosing the house?

Is it possible to start dealing with the home loan before choosing the property? The answer is yes! Find out how in the following.

15 May 20242 min

Use (e abuse) destes simuladores para poupar no seu crédito habitação
Credit intermediation

Use (and abuse) these simulators to save on your home loan.

Found your perfect home and need to take out a home loan? Or are you stuck with the Euribor and want to change the conditions of your current home loan? Poupança no Minuto offers two simulators to find the ideal solutions for you.

28 Feb 20243 min

Prestação da casa indexada à Euribor a três meses descerá em dezembro e janeiro
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

House installment linked to 3-month Euribor will decrease in December and January.

For those who have contracted the three-month Euribor on their variable rate mortgage, in December and January they will begin to feel a slight reduction in the monthly installment they pay. This is because interest rates have already reached the maximum limit. Understand better when each term begins to impact the house payment.

27 Dec 20233 min

Precisa de fazer alterações numa casa? Conheça o crédito pessoal para obras
Home Improvement Loan

Need to make changes to a house? Find out more about personal credit for renovations: [URL].

Are you going to buy a property that needs renovations? Or just improve a house you already own? Either way, there is a solution: personal credit for renovations. It is a simple financing option that can be contracted digitally. Find out how it works.

04 Sep 20234 min

What do I need to do a mortgage credit simulation?
Housing Credit Acquisition

What do I need to do a mortgage credit simulation?

To request a housing loan simulation, it is necessary to provide some information in order to understand how much you may have to pay. These simulations are indicative, but can help you assess whether it is feasible to proceed with a housing loan application at the following URL: [insert URL here].

10 Aug 20234 min