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Em 2021, pouco mais de 1/3 dos proprietários tinham encargos com a compra da casa
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

In 2021, just over 1/3 of homeowners had expenses related to purchasing the house.

In 2021, the reality of housing was different: according to a study, just over 1/3 of homeowners had monthly costs with the purchase of the house. Understand the data and how to lower your current housing installment.

17 May 20242 min

Mão de pessoa dentro de carro a ajustar aparelho de portagens em estrada antes das portagens

What tolls will we stop paying?

Know which tolls we will stop paying starting January 1, 2025.

07 May 20242 min

Aquecedor a gás e mulher com mão à frente a exibir notas de 50 e 100 euros

Gas prices: Study suggests decrease after 2025

Gas prices have surged in 2022 due to tensions from the war in Ukraine, and although they began to stabilize last year, the outlook is that they will only start to decline after 2025. Find out more next.

03 May 20242 min

Taxa de inflação em Portugal aumenta para 2,3% no mês de janeiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in Portugal increases to 2.3% in the month of January.

Check out the numbers released by the National Institute of Statistics regarding January, and how to alleviate the monthly budget in this context.

23 Feb 20243 min

Tenho de declarar a caução de rendas em IRS?

Do I have to declare rental deposit in IRS?

Court rules against Tax Authority and explains why. Find out more.

21 Feb 20242 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro recua para 2,8% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate in the euro zone drops to 2.8% in January

The inflation rate in the eurozone continues to decrease, dropping from 2.9% in December 2023 to 2.8% in January 2024.

12 Feb 20242 min

Portugal é o segundo país a consumir menos energia: Sabe como poupar?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Portugal is the second country to consume less energy: Do you know how to save?

Did you know that Portugal is the second country where families consume the least energy? Understand what is at stake and how you can save energy, then.

09 Feb 20242 min

6 dicas para poupar com o Dia dos Namorados

6 tips for saving on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is around the corner and you haven't prepared anything yet? Don't worry, read 6 tips for easy and inexpensive gifts for your partner.

07 Feb 20243 min

Reembolso do PPR sem penalização é prolongado até ao fim do ano
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Reimbursement of PPR without penalty is extended until the end of the year

The regime that allowed the refund of a retirement savings plan without penalties has been extended with some conditions until the end of 2024.

01 Feb 20243 min

Precisa de poupar? Conheça estes simuladores para melhores decisões
Mortgage Savings Credit

Need to save money? Check out these simulators for better decisions.

According to DECO PROteste on Notícias ao Minuto, there is a new website that aggregates simulators, allowing users to understand how they can save money on housing, fuel, and loans.

31 Jan 20242 min

O que fazer se a Segurança Social pedir a devolução de um subsídio?
Supports and subsidies

What to do if Social Security demands the return of a grant?

The alert comes from DECO PROteste, which explains: if Social Security (SS) asks for the return of a subsidy, you can request the repayment in installments, and if you earn the minimum wage, you don't even have to repay. Understand better, next.

31 Jan 20244 min

O que muda em sede do IRS com o OE2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

What changes in terms of IRS with the OE2024?

Find out what will change in terms of IRS with the changes imposed by the new State Budget.

29 Jan 20242 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Crédito bonificado: Desconto a aplicar será maior até junho
Housing Credit Acquisition

Bonus credit: Discount to be applied will be higher until June.

Families with subsidized credit will now be entitled to a higher discount, to be applied until June. Understand better in the article.

24 Jan 20242 min

Quais as profissões mais bem pagas em Portugal em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

What are the highest paying professions in Portugal in 2024?

According to data released by ManpowerGroup, find out which are the most sought-after and best-paid professions in Portugal, currently.

23 Jan 20249 min