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Taxa de poupança em Portugal foi a que mais cresceu no 1.º trimestre

Savings rate in Portugal was the fastest growing in the 1st quarter.

The savings of Portuguese families in the 1st quarter grew more than those of families in the eurozone and European Union. Check out the numbers below.

22 Aug 20242 min

Compra e venda de casa: Número de imóveis transacionados baixou (muito) em 2023
House Purchase

Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.

The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.

12 Aug 20241 min

Taxa de poupança das famílias na zona euro atinge valor recorde em três anos

Household saving rate in the eurozone reaches record value in three years.

The savings rate of European families increased again in the first quarter of 2024, after three years.

17 Jul 20241 min

Alunos do 1.º ao 12.º ano vão passar a ter literacia financeira no Porto

Students from 1st to 12th grade will start having financial literacy in Porto.

The initiative is part of the Porto City Council and aims to fill a gap in society: the lack of financial literacy.

16 Jul 20241 min

Moeda de dois euros em pé e moedas deitadas para simbolizar poupar dinheiro

Four tips to save money and avoid waste

Did you know it's possible to save money and avoid waste while being environmentally friendly? Follow these four expert tips.

02 Jul 20242 min

Poupança mensal de 275 euros: Como o João e a Carla consolidaram os seus créditos
Personal Consolidated Credit

Monthly savings of 275 euros: How João and Carla consolidated their debts.

By consolidating their credits, João and Carla saved 275 euros monthly and 3,303.72 euros annually. Find out how!

02 May 20243 min

Este casal baixou a prestação mensal da casa em 318 euros. Saiba como
Mortgage Credit Transfer

This couple lowered their monthly home installment by 318 euros. Learn how:

The 45-year-old couple, Mariana and Bruno, were dissatisfied with the conditions of their home loan and turned to our services to transfer the financing, resulting in a savings of over 300 euros per month. Find out how, next.

26 Apr 20242 min

Comprar online fica mais barato? Estudo diz que sim

Buying online is cheaper? Study says yes

Study conducted on Portuguese people reveals that the vast majority prefer shopping online, with a special focus on foreign websites and second-hand purchases.

11 Apr 20242 min

Evitar desperdício alimentar para poupar? Nove em cada 10 portugueses já o fazem

Avoid food waste to save? Nine out of 10 Portuguese already do it.

Study indicates that the Portuguese are better organizing their food budget and avoiding food waste in order to save money. Learn more about the issue.

03 Apr 20242 min

Estudo indica que portugueses querem poupar mais em 2024

Study indicates that Portuguese people want to save more in 2024

Portuguese people intend to save more this year, after a 2023 with less purchasing power. Understand what is at stake next.

21 Mar 20242 min

Portugal como 2.º pior país da UE classificado em literacia financeira
Mortgage Savings Credit

Portugal ranked as the 2nd worst country in the EU in financial literacy.

According to a study released, after Romanians, the Portuguese are not very financially literate about topics such as interest rates and inflation. Get to know the numbers involved.

08 Mar 20243 min

Corte nas taxas de juro pode estar mais perto que o previsto no semestre passado
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Rate cuts may be closer than expected in the past semester.

The interest rate cut may be closer than expected, but until it arrives: there are also other immediate solutions for you to save on your home loan installment.

27 Feb 20243 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro média diminui em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: Average interest rate decreases in December

The average interest rate on home loans dropped for the 3rd consecutive time in December 2023. Find out which values are at stake next.

23 Feb 20243 min

Taxa de inflação em Portugal aumenta para 2,3% no mês de janeiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in Portugal increases to 2.3% in the month of January.

Check out the numbers released by the National Institute of Statistics regarding January, and how to alleviate the monthly budget in this context.

23 Feb 20243 min

Consultores imobiliários mais positivos face à melhoria da procura
House Purchase

Real estate consultants more positive about improving demand.

The real estate market is beginning to improve now, and real estate consultants are showing more positivity. Understand what is at stake and, if you are looking to buy a house, find out how we can help you.

21 Feb 20242 min