Articles about:

State Budget 2024
Taxa de inflação recua em dezembro: Saiba qual a média total de 2023
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Inflation rate drops in December: Find out the total average for 2023.

The inflation rate has dropped again, now to 1.4%. With this, it is now possible to finalize the average for the year 2023. Learn about the data involved and how to take advantage of this moment to review the budget.

10 Jan 20243 min

É proprietário de uma casa? IMI não subirá em 2024
Housing Credit Acquisition

Are you a homeowner? Property tax will not rise in 2024.

If you own a house, we have good news for you: The value of the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) will not increase in 2024, as there was doubt about it.

03 Jan 20243 min

Como serão os aumentos das pensões em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

How will pension increases be in 2024?

After the resignation of the Prime Minister, António Costa, uncertainty hung over the measures planned in the State Budget for 2024. As for pension increases, it has already been confirmed that they will move forward, but by how much?

15 Dec 20233 min

OE2024: Medidas garantem maior aumento de sempre
Mortgage Savings Credit

OE2024: Measures ensure largest increase ever

With the approval of the State Budget for 2024, the Government now ensures that the measures to come will mark the "biggest increase ever in support for families". But what measures stand out?

05 Dec 20233 min

OE2024 aprovado: O que muda na habitação?
Mortgage Savings Credit

OE2024 approved: What changes in housing?

The Assembly of the Republic approved the State Budget for 2024. According to the Government's communication, after approval, Prime Minister António Costa ensures that Portuguese people will now have "a budget that continues the trajectory of income improvement, promotes investment, and protects the future." Let's find out what changes in terms of housing.

05 Dec 20234 min

Em 2024, generalidade das famílias vai pagar menos IRS
Mortgage Savings Credit

In 2024, most families will pay less income tax.

Next year, the State Budget foresees a reduction in IRS tax for families. This statement was made by the Minister of Finance, Fernando Medina, on his social media. Find out how much the tax will be reduced in 2024, and in what other ways you can save.

24 Nov 20233 min

OE2024 será aprovado: Que medidas vão avançar?
Housing Credit Acquisition

OE2024 will be approved: What measures will move forward?

After the resignation of the Prime Minister, António Costa, doubt hung in the air about what would happen to the State Budget 2024 already presented. But the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, came to clarify: The Assembly of the Republic will be dissolved, but the State Budget 2024 will be maintained. Understand how it will work and what measures are already guaranteed to progress.

10 Nov 20234 min

Demissão do PM: Medidas do OE que valorizavam rendimentos perdem validade
Mortgage Savings Credit

Dismissal of the Prime Minister: Measures in the State Budget that valued incomes become invalid.

With the resignation of the Government, according to the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, the proposal for the State Budget for 2024 loses its validity. Therefore, all measures aimed at increasing the incomes of the Portuguese and supporting housing will be reassessed. Learn more, next.

09 Nov 20234 min

OE2024. Quanto posso poupar no próximo ano com as mudanças?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

OE2024. How much can I save next year with the changes?

With the new measures outlined in the State Budget of 2024, which value the salaries of the Portuguese, how much can we save in total? According to the new changes that strengthen incomes, let's see the savings generated by each one, but also how much you can save if you have a mortgage and transfer it.

26 Oct 20235 min