Articles about:

Capital gains
O que são mais-valias imobiliárias e como são tributadas em IRS?

What are real estate capital gains and how are they taxed in IRS?

When selling a property, real estate capital gains are generated: understand what they are and how they should be taxed.

29 Oct 20241 min

Mais-valias imobiliárias: Há dois regimes em vigor
House for Sale

Real estate capital gains: There are two current regimes.

This year, there are two diplomas in force regarding real estate capital gains, depending on the date of sale of the property. Understand the differences.

20 Sep 20242 min

Vender casa? Saiba o que muda na isenção do IRS quanto às mais-valias
House for Sale

Selling a house? Learn what changes regarding tax exemption on capital gains.

If you are planning to sell a property you bought a year or more ago, the new changes regarding tax-exempt capital gains in IRS may apply to you. Understand what changes in this article.

20 Aug 20243 min

IRS sobre mais-valias: Governo quer acabar com limite de tempo da isenção

IRS on capital gains: Government wants to eliminate time limit for exemption.

If you have bought a new house, the measure that the Government wants to implement may interest you: the exemption on capital gains can only be requested once every three years, and the goal is to end the restriction on the number of times to benefit.

08 Jul 20242 min

Vendi uma casa em 2023: Quanto pago de mais-valias em 2024?
House for Sale

Sell a house in 2023: How much do I pay in capital gains tax in 2024?

Sold a house in 2023? Find out if you are exempt from paying capital gains tax in 2024, and, if not, how much you will pay.

06 Feb 20244 min

Vendeu uma casa a partir de 2022? Pode estar isento de mais-valias. Saiba como
House for Sale

Sold a house from 2022? You may be exempt from capital gains tax. Learn how.

Did you know that if you sell a house between 2022 and 2024, you may be exempt from paying the respective capital gains? This is a housing support measure from the government. Understand what requirements it involves next.

16 Jan 20242 min