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Homem em frente a computador com mãos no teclado sentado em mesa com plantas simbolizando IRS

IRS with Finance error? Learn how to submit a complaint.

If you noticed an error in your IRS statement by the Tax Authority, it is possible to claim for free and without using a lawyer. Find out how.

10 May 20242 min

Quem não tem de entregar IRS? Saiba as situações

Who does not have to submit IRS? Find out the situations.

Are you unsure if you will have to submit the IRS declaration this year or not? The Tax Office clarifies situations in which submission is not necessary.

19 Apr 20242 min

O que acontece se o reembolso de IRS for inferior a 10 euros?

What happens if the IRS refund is less than 10 euros?

The Tax Authority clarifies that if your IRS refund is less than 10 euros, you will not receive it. Understand better next.

17 Apr 20242 min

Prémio salarial: Não terá direito se for dependente no IRS

Wage award: You will not be entitled if you are dependent on IRS

This is one of the requirements in order to access the salary prize: Being a self-employed individual in the IRS, warns the Tax Authority.

16 Apr 20242 min

Cubos com símbolos financeiros por cima de moedas

IRS delivery: Everything you need to pay attention to

The submission of the IRS declaration started on April 1st and ends on June 30th. But, after all, what should you pay attention to when filling out your statement? See the following points.

04 Apr 20243 min

Porque o reembolso do IRS poderá ser menor este ano?

Why could the IRS refund be lower this year?

Are you counting on the IRS refund? Note that the amount may be lower this year, and you may even be asked to pay. Understand what is at stake.

02 Apr 20242 min

Devo entregar o IRS no primeiro dia ou não?

Should I submit my IRS on the first day or not?

The IRS filing starts today, April 1, but experts usually do not recommend filing on the first day. Find out here the opinion of the president of the Tax Workers Union.

01 Apr 20242 min

IRS: Já pode reclamar erros que detetar nas suas deduções

IRS: You can now challenge errors detected in your deductions.

The deadline is from March 15 to 31, by which you must verify your provisional deductions for IRS purposes and claim in case of errors. Understand better next.

22 Mar 20242 min

Tem direito ao IRS Jovem? Saiba como funciona

Do you qualify for Youth IRS? Learn how it works.

Are you between 18 and 26 years old and already working? You may be eligible for Young IRS for five years. Find out if you meet all the requirements and what exemptions you can access next.

01 Mar 20242 min

IRS: Quem pode entregar o automático e quem entrega o manual?

IRS: Who can file automatically and who must file manually?

Automatic IRS is a system that offers a great advantage to taxpayers, providing a pre-filled declaration that only needs to confirm the data and submit. But not everyone is entitled to it: find out if you have to file manually.

29 Feb 20243 min

Calendário fiscal do IRS: As datas que ainda deve apontar

IRS tax calendar: The dates you still need to note down

Every year, the annual IRS statement must be submitted between April and June, but there are other dates to pay attention to. Mark the following dates on your agenda.

22 Feb 20243 min

Tenho de declarar a caução de rendas em IRS?

Do I have to declare rental deposit in IRS?

Court rules against Tax Authority and explains why. Find out more.

21 Feb 20242 min

Devo declarar em IRS as vendas que efetuo em 2.ª mão?

Do I have to declare the sales I make second-hand in IRS?

DECO PROteste clarifies: Currently, it is not necessary to declare income obtained through second-hand sales, but it may become necessary in the future. Understand what is at stake next.

20 Feb 20242 min

Como validar faturas de IRS no portal e-Fatura? Passo a passo

How to validate IRS invoices on the e-Fatura portal? Step by step

Do not know how to proceed with invoice validation on the e-Fatura portal? We explain step by step how to validate and the purpose of this process.

19 Feb 20244 min

Já comunicou o seu agregado familiar às Finanças? Atenção ao IRS
Mortgage Savings Credit

Have you informed your household to the Tax Authorities? Attention to IRS

Do not miss this date, as it may have an impact on your annual IRS statement.

12 Feb 20242 min