Articles about:

100% financing
Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro

A medida que permitirá os jovens aceder ao financiamento a 100% (garantia pública do Estado) na compra de casa foi agora a publicada em Diário da República, pelo que tem de entrar em vigor nos próximos 60 dias, ou seja, no máximo a 10 de setembro). Perceba melhor em seguida.

11 Jul 20242 min

Garantia pública para aquisição de casa por jovens extingue-se assim que pagos os 15%
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee for the purchase of a home by young people expires after paying the 15% percent.

The details of the new public guarantee measure for up to 15% of the housing loan value for young people up to 35 years old are still being clarified by the Government. Understand how it will work in case of default.

29 May 20242 min

Chaves douradas sob fundo laranja simbolizando habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Are you young? Check out these nine housing measures from the Government.

With its program "Building Portugal: New Housing Strategy", the Government aims to keep young people in the country by ensuring access to housing. Learn about these nine planned measures.

27 May 20242 min

Casal jovem sentado em sofá com computador à frente e a sorrir simbolizando compra de casa por jovens com financiamento a 100% e isenções fiscais
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% home financing and tax exemptions for young people in force this month.

Are you young and want to buy a house? Starting this month, you won't need to give a down payment to the bank or pay taxes. Understand now.

17 May 20242 min

Crédito habitação financiado a 100% e sem impostos até aos 35 anos: Perceba as medidas
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit financed at 100% and tax-exempt until age 35: Understand the measures.

In the end, what does the new Government promise for young people's housing credit? 100% financing and no taxes are the measures in question.

16 Apr 20243 min

Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação: É possível?
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in mortgage credit: Is it possible?

Is it possible to buy a house with 100% financing from the bank? Currently, there are limits on the amount banks can lend. But there is an exception. We explain it in this article.

11 Aug 20234 min