Articles about:

Savings Strategies
Quais as profissões mais bem pagas em Portugal em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

What are the highest paying professions in Portugal in 2024?

According to data released by ManpowerGroup, find out which are the most sought-after and best-paid professions in Portugal, currently.

23 Jan 20249 min

Black Friday: 3 dicas para aproveitar ao máximo

Black Friday: 3 tips to make the most out

Black Friday is approaching and it is important to inform yourself beforehand about savings tips, but also to be alert so you are not deceived as a consumer. So, check out 3 tips to make the most of the discounts on the next November 24th.

09 Nov 20234 min

Gerir um orçamento familiar? Conheça a regra de poupança 50/30/20
Mortgage Savings Credit

Managing a family budget? Get to know the 50/30/20 savings rule.

Are you losing control of your finances and need to implement discipline in your budget? The 50/30/20 strategy can be the solution for you.

05 Sep 20234 min

Como conseguir capitais para a entrada do crédito habitação?
Housing Credit Acquisition

How to get capital for the home loan down payment?

He decided it's time to start saving money so he can buy his house with a home loan? Well, these days a financial cushion is necessary since banks don't finance 100% of properties. Let's see how you can achieve savings for this purpose in the article.

10 Aug 20237 min

Como poupar com encargos, para suportar o custo do regresso às aulas?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

How to save on charges to support the cost of back-to-school?

The return to school can be a painful time for parents who have to buy school supplies for their children, make or renew school registrations. This is why it is important to be prepared for what this context holds. So, how to save on short-term expenses?

09 Aug 20235 min