Requested a raise? Learn the meaning of each stage of the process.
If you have already requested your salary prize, understand the evolution of each stage of the process until you have the money in your account.
If you have already requested your salary prize, understand the evolution of each stage of the process until you have the money in your account.
Landlords have been making tenants sign new contracts, preventing families from accessing rent support. Understand better in the following URL.
Inflation continues to show no significant decrease and the prices of products and services have remained a problem for the wallets of Portuguese people. According to a study, due to this situation, the increase in payment defaults has become increasingly evident. Find out what is at stake.
The collection of iris personal data by Worldcoin has already been suspended in Portugal by the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), after complaints of data collection from minors without parental authorization. But after all, what is Worldcoin and what was gained in return? Is the transaction acceptable? Understand everything next.