Articles about:

Mortgage Loan
Se tem crédito habitação, em outubro sentirá alívio na prestação

If you have a mortgage, in October you will feel relief in the installment.

The issue at hand is reductions that can amount to €100 monthly.

02 Oct 20242 min

Apoios habitação jovem: Procura de casa aumenta, mas preços também
Housing Credit Acquisition

Young housing support: Demand for housing is growing, but prices are also increasing.

The improvement that has been felt in the housing market, with new support measures for young people and falling interest rates, brings positive points such as increased sales. However, on the other hand: the increase in house prices as well. Understand better, then.

23 Sep 20242 min

Preço das casas aumentou 8,6% de 2022 para 2023

House prices increased by 8.6% from 2022 to 2023.

The median housing price rose from 2022 to 2023 by about 8.6%, to 1,611 euros/m2, with more significance in certain municipalities. Read the statistics more carefully next.

19 Aug 20242 min

Compra e venda de casa: Número de imóveis transacionados baixou (muito) em 2023
House Purchase

Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.

The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.

12 Aug 20241 min

Procura de crédito habitação aumenta na zona euro no 2.º trimestre
Housing Credit Acquisition

Search for housing credit increases in the eurozone in the 2nd quarter.

Mortgage credit demand increased in the Eurozone in the 2nd quarter of 2024: a rise that hadn't occurred since 2022. Learn more about the numbers.

26 Jul 20246 min

Prestações da casa continuarão elevadas, mesmo com garantia pública no financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Will home installments remain high even with public guarantee in financing?

Despite the government's public guarantee supporting young people in obtaining a home loan, the monthly payments on the loans can still be high. Find out analysts' opinions on this issue next.

18 Jul 20242 min

Crédito da casa com Euribor: Prestações descem em julho
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Credit for housing with Euribor: Installments decrease in July.

Do you have a mortgage linked to Euribor, with three, six or 12 months? Your monthly installment will decrease in July. Check the simulations below.

08 Jul 20243 min

Rendas das casas aumentam 7,1% em maio, face ao mesmo mês de 2023

House rents increase by 7.1% in May, compared to the same month in 2023

Compared to May 2023, house rents have increased by a total of 7.1% this May 2024. Check out the numbers in question.

26 Jun 20241 min

Compra de casa: Preços dos imóveis subiram em maio
House Purchase

House buying: Property prices increased in May.

Looking to buy a house in Portugal? Know that property prices have gone up last month. Get to know the numbers and find out how to access the best home loan.

14 Jun 20242 min

Mãos de homem em cima de dossier aberto com separadores a escrever como representação do cálculo do LTV
Housing Credit Acquisition

Home credit: Why is it considered the lowest value between acquisition and evaluation for LTV?

For home credit - housing, some measures are used to determine the loan risk for the bank. Understand what LTV is and why the lower value between acquisition and evaluation is used to calculate it.

12 Jun 20243 min

Cozinha de casa simbolizando crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Need a home loan? Find the best without hassle and without cost.

If you are looking for a home loan, know that it is possible to find the best on the market for you, without any hassle or cost. Understand how a credit intermediary like Poupança no Minuto can help you.

11 Jun 20243 min

Em 2021, pouco mais de 1/3 dos proprietários tinham encargos com a compra da casa
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

In 2021, just over 1/3 of homeowners had expenses related to purchasing the house.

In 2021, the reality of housing was different: according to a study, just over 1/3 of homeowners had monthly costs with the purchase of the house. Understand the data and how to lower your current housing installment.

17 May 20242 min

Taxa de juro do crédito habitação cai pelo 2.º mês consecutivo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage interest rate drops for the 2nd consecutive month.

It is the second consecutive month that home loan interest rates have decreased: Understand the data involved and how to access the best rates in this financing.

02 May 20242 min

Por cada anúncio de arrendamento, são 34 as famílias interessadas

For each rental listing, there are 34 interested families.

In the first quarter of 2024, the rental market continued to have high demand. Note that for each ad placed, there were 34 contacts made, on average. Check out the data in this article.

18 Apr 20242 min

Quanto custa a entrada inicial para o crédito habitação?
Housing Credit Acquisition

How much is the initial entry for housing credit?

Are you planning to buy a house with a mortgage and don't know how much initial down payment you need to have available? Pay attention to the factors that have an impact and the calculations you should make.

09 Apr 20243 min