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Before Christian era
BCE reduz taxas de juro em 0,25 pontos percentuais

BCE reduces interest rates by 0.25 percentage points.

The European Central Bank has once again lowered interest rates by another 0.25 percentage points, with inflation decreasing.

17 Sep 20242 min

BCE volta a cortar taxas de juro, ainda que pouco confiante

BCE returns to cut interest rates, still not very confident.

Despite reservations from some members of the European Central Bank (ECB), another interest rate cut was advanced in the month of June.

10 Jul 20243 min

Banco Central Europeu desce taxas de juro pela primeira vez desde 2016
Mortgage Credit Transfer

European Central Bank cuts interest rates for the first time since 2016.

The European Central Bank (ECB) has decided to lower interest rates for the first time since 2016 following the tightening cycle of monetary policy started in 2022, easing loans for families. Check out the numbers.

07 Jun 20243 min

Mais uma vez, BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Once again, ECB keeps interest rates unchanged.

For the fifth time in a row, the European Central Bank (ECB) kept interest rates unchanged. Find out what is at stake and how to get lower rates on home loans.

19 Apr 20243 min

Centeno assume condições para corte nas taxas de juro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Centeno assumes conditions for interest rate cuts.

Mário Centeno considers conditions to be met and the next ECB meeting will be on April 11, but the president only hints at interest rate cuts in the summer.

26 Mar 20242 min

Crédito habitação com taxa variável? Saiba se a sua prestação desce em fevereiro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage with variable rate? Find out if your installment goes down in February.

If you have a mortgage with a variable interest rate regime, indexed to the three or six month Euribor, it's official: you will see your monthly installment slightly decrease in February. Understand the values at play.

07 Feb 20243 min

BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas na 1.ª reunião do ano
Mortgage Credit Transfer

ECB keeps interest rates unchanged at 1st meeting of the year

The European Central Bank (ECB) keeps interest rates unchanged, continuing the pause in rate hikes at the first meeting of the year. Find out more next.

05 Feb 20244 min

Taxas de juro vão baixar no verão? Largarde assume possibilidade
Mortgage Savings Credit

Interest rates will lower in the summer? Lagarde assumes possibility.

Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), acknowledges the possibility of interest rates potentially being cut in the summer. Understand the leader's words better in the article.

24 Jan 20243 min

Incerteza nas expectativas para a inflação? Saiba como garantir maior estabilidade financeira
Mortgage Savings Credit

Uncertainty in inflation expectations? Learn how to ensure greater financial stability.

Consumers' uncertainty about the values that inflation will reach in the near future has been growing, as found by the European Central Bank (ECB). Given this uncertainty, find out how to ensure greater stability in your wallet.

27 Nov 20233 min

BCE mantém taxas de juro inalteradas: “Momento certo para contratar melhores condições”
Mortgage Credit Transfer

BCE keeps interest rates unchanged: "Right time to secure better terms"

For the first time in over a year, the European Central Bank (ECB) decided to pause the rise in interest rates, keeping the values unchanged. According to João Lemos, Director of Savings Operations at Poupança no Minuto, this could be "the right moment to secure better conditions in housing credit".

30 Oct 20234 min