Articles about:

Bank of Portugal
Taxa mista foi o regime contratado em 71% dos créditos habitação em 2023
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mixed rate was the contracted regime in 71% of home loans in 2023.

The mixed interest rate represented 71% of housing credit contracts in 2023. Check out the data, released by the Bank of Portugal (BdP).

14 Feb 20243 min

Afinal, quem beneficia mais com as alterações ao IRS?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Who benefits most from changes to the IRS?

Analysis reveals that changes to the IRS will benefit families with higher incomes.

22 Jan 20242 min

Bancos emprestam novo máximo no crédito habitação a particulares
Housing Credit Acquisition

Banks lend new maximum in mortgage credit to individuals.

A new record was reached in terms of home loan lending by banks to individuals in the last month of November. Find out the numbers involved and how to hire the best home loan in 2024.

16 Jan 20243 min

Qual a finalidade do mapa de responsabilidades de crédito?
Housing Credit Acquisition

What is the purpose of the credit responsibilities map?

The Banco de Portugal (BdP) credit responsibilities map is a document required when requesting financing from a banking institution, in order to assess whether you are in default on any credit. But what other information does this map include and how to interpret it?

14 Nov 20235 min

Incumprimento do crédito habitação: Saiba o que o PERSI pode fazer por si
Mortgage Savings Credit

Noncompliance with home loans: Find out what PERSI can do for you.

Are you in default with your home loan? The PERSI can help. Learn about the plan that banks must follow in this case, and find out how to save on your monthly installment.

08 Nov 20232 min

Medida para fixar a prestação da casa? BdP alerta para o acréscimo de juros
Housing Credit Acquisition

Measure to fix the installment of the house? BdP warns of an increase in interest rates.

One of the measures taken by the Government to support Portuguese families with their home loans involves freezing the monthly installment at a fixed value for two years. However, the differential amount will have to be repaid...with interest, as warned by the Bank of Portugal.

06 Nov 20233 min

Crédito habitação: Alívio no teste de “stress” já em vigor
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: Relief in the "stress" test now in effect.

The stress test applied by banks to clients' incomes applying for mortgage credit has been minimized, so that more Portuguese people can have their credit proposals approved. The measure imposed by the Bank of Portugal is now in force. Understand how it will work if you want to apply for a mortgage credit next year.

02 Nov 20234 min

Comissões bancárias a aumentar: Banco de Portugal disponibiliza comparador
Housing Credit Acquisition

Banking commissions increasing: Banco de Portugal provides a comparator.

Bank commissions continue to be increased by banks, following the rise in interest rates. So, find out how to compare values and how to minimize the impact of this cost on housing credit.

26 Oct 20234 min

Crédito habitação: BdP alivia teste de esforço exigido aos mutuários
Housing Credit Acquisition

Home loan: BdP eases stress test required for borrowers.

Looking to apply for a housing loan? We have good news for you: The Bank of Portugal (BdP) eased one of the requirements imposed on customers, making access to this type of financing easier. Understand what changes in the stress test required by banks, in this article.

17 Oct 20233 min