
Só 19% das casas têm seguro com cobertura de risco sísmico. Saiba como adicionar
Multirisk Insurance

Only 19% of homes have earthquake insurance coverage. Learn how to add it.

Only two out of every 10 houses are covered by seismic risk in insurance. Learn how to add this coverage to your insurance.

19 Feb 20253 min

Seguro de vida em casal: Como funciona e vale a pena?
Life Insurance

Couple life insurance: How does it work and is it worth it?

When choosing life insurance, if both couple members are looking to hire, it may be worth investing in a joint life insurance. Let's see if it is worth compared to individual life insurance.

10 Feb 20254 min

Posso mudar o seguro de vida associado ao crédito habitação?
Life Insurance Credit

Can I change the life insurance associated with the housing credit?

Did you know you can change your mortgage life insurance and save every month? You are not required to keep it at the bank where you took out the loan: Find out how to make the change, the advantages, and what you should consider.

05 Feb 20254 min

Seguro de saúde e seguro de acidentes pessoais: Como garantem o bem-estar?
Health Insurance

Health insurance and personal accident insurance: How do they ensure well-being?

Guarantee protection through health insurance and/or personal accident insurance.

29 Oct 20241 min

Seguro multirriscos: Assegure a proteção da sua casa
Multirisk Insurance

Multirisk insurance: Ensure protection for your home.

Learn how to ensure the protection of your home with a comprehensive insurance policy.

29 Oct 20241 min

Seguro de vida: Garanta proteção financeira e tranquilidade para o futuro
Life Insurance

Life insurance: Ensure financial protection and peace of mind for the future.

Understand how to ensure financial protection and peace of mind through the best life insurance proposal.

29 Oct 20241 min

Como funciona o seguro de vida do crédito habitação?
Life Insurance Credit

How does homeowners' insurance life credit work?

Are you hiring a mortgage and facing the requirement of hiring life insurance? Learn how it works.

29 Oct 20241 min

Quais as vantagens de contratar um seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What are the advantages of hiring life insurance?

Hiring a life insurance tailored to your needs and budget is easier when you are well informed. Find out how life insurance works in Portugal and all the benefits of taking it out.

09 Sep 20242 min

Posso contratar um seguro de vida que cubra doenças graves?
Life Insurance

Can I hire life insurance that covers serious illnesses?

Life insurance is mainly taken out during a mortgage and only covers death and disability. However, it is also possible to protect against serious illnesses through this insurance. Find out how.

30 Aug 20242 min

Proteja-se do risco sísmico com um seguro multirriscos. Saiba como
Multirisk Insurance

Protect yourself from seismic risk with a multi-risk insurance. Find out how

Having several earthquake risk zones in Portugal, it is essential that homes are protected. That is the aim of a multi-risk insurance. Protecting homes and their contents in these cases. Find out how it works and how to hire.

30 Aug 20243 min

Seguradoras alertam para a necessidade de seguro que cubra risco sísmico em Portugal
Multirisk Insurance

Insurance companies warn of the need for insurance covering seismic risk in Portugal.

With the latest earthquake in Portugal, the Portuguese Association of Insurers (APS) warns about the importance of having seismic events coverage in home insurance. Find out more at the following link:

29 Aug 20242 min

Mãos de senhora a escrever em portátil com estetoscópio ao lado
Life Insurance

What is a claim in life insurance?

What does the concept of "claim" mean in a life insurance policy? Find out next.

02 Jul 20242 min

Soro de hospital para simbolizar seguro de vida de falecido
Life Insurance

How to know if the deceased has life insurance?

It is possible to identify life insurance policies associated with a deceased person by requesting information from the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF). Find out how to make the request and what to do if you are the beneficiary of the insurance.

14 Jun 20243 min

Bóia em rochas e mae simbolizando seguro de vida
Life Insurance

Life insurance: Why can the insurer refuse the claim?

Tried to participate in a claim regarding your life insurance and the insurer did not assume responsibility? Understand the possible reason behind it.

04 Jun 20242 min

Como poupar com o seguro de vida? Veja estes exemplos
Life Insurance

How to save with life insurance? Check out these examples.

Want to save on your insurances? Find out how Poupança no Minuto's insurance brokers helped these customers achieve savings of over five thousand euros per year.

29 Apr 20243 min