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Seguradoras alertam para a necessidade de seguro que cubra risco sísmico em Portugal
Multirisk Insurance

Seguradoras alertam para a necessidade de seguro que cubra risco sísmico em Portugal

Com a mais recente ocorrência do sismo em Portugal, a Associação Portuguesa de Seguradores (APS) alerta para a necessidade de ter a cobertura de fenómenos sísmicos no seguro mutlirriscos habitação. Perceba melhor em seguida.

29 Aug 20242 min

Posso contratar um seguro de vida que cubra doenças graves?
Life Insurance

Posso contratar um seguro de vida que cubra doenças graves?

O seguro de vida é contratado, maioritariamente, no decorrer de um crédito habitação e apenas com as coberturas de morte e invalidez. Mas é possível precaver-se de doenças graves através deste seguro também. Saiba como.

30 Aug 20242 min

Proteja-se do risco sísmico com um seguro multirriscos. Saiba como
Multirisk Insurance

Proteja-se do risco sísmico com um seguro multirriscos. Saiba como

Tendo Portugal diversas zonas de risco de sismo, é essencial que as habitações estejam protegidas. Esse é o objetivo de um seguro multirriscos. Proteger casas e respetivos recheios nestes casos. Saiba como funciona e como contratar.

30 Aug 20243 min

Qual é a diferença entre seguro de vida e seguro de saúde?
Life Insurance

What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?

There are many doubts that arise when it comes to the difference between life insurance and health insurance. But the reality is that the two insurances can be distinguished by the coverage options. Therefore, we explain in this article what sets one insurance apart from the other.

11 Aug 20234 min

Seguro de vida crédito habitação: Quais as coberturas?
Life Insurance Credit

Life insurance for mortgage: What are the coverages?

A life insurance associated with a housing loan needs to cover occurrences so that banks allow the loan to be granted. The objective is for banks to protect themselves and have the loan amount reimbursed in case of a claim.

31 Oct 20234 min

Como poupar com o seguro de vida? Veja estes exemplos
Life Insurance

How to save with life insurance? Check out these examples.

Want to save on your insurances? Find out how Poupança no Minuto's insurance brokers helped these customers achieve savings of over five thousand euros per year.

29 Apr 20243 min

Seguro de vida pode ser declarado no IRS?
Life Insurance

Can life insurance be declared on tax returns?

Only workers with fast-paced professions, disabled individuals, or subscribers of Retirement Savings Plans (PPR) can include life insurance expenses in their IRS declaration. Understand the requirements and limits for these cases.

08 Nov 20234 min

Soro de hospital para simbolizar seguro de vida de falecido
Life Insurance

How to know if the deceased has life insurance?

It is possible to identify life insurance policies associated with a deceased person by requesting information from the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority (ASF). Find out how to make the request and what to do if you are the beneficiary of the insurance.

14 Jun 20243 min

Mortgage life insurance: How does it work?
Life Insurance Credit

Mortgage life insurance: How does it work?

When applying for a home loan, you will also be required to subscribe to a life insurance policy. But why is it necessary to associate this insurance with the loan and how does this product work?

11 Aug 20233 min

Health insurance: Coverage, exclusions and benefits.
Health Insurance

Health insurance: Coverage, exclusions and benefits.

Is it worth hiring health insurance? According to each individual's needs, the answer will always be affirmative. But then, what does it cover, what does it exclude, and what are the advantages of subscribing to this insurance?

11 Aug 20235 min

Mãos de senhora a escrever em portátil com estetoscópio ao lado
Life Insurance

What is a claim in life insurance?

What does the concept of "claim" mean in a life insurance policy? Find out next.

02 Jul 20242 min

Mortgage: Do I have to accept the life insurance that the bank imposes on me?
Life Insurance Credit

Mortgage: Do I have to accept the life insurance that the bank imposes on me?

If you are applying for a home loan and come across the requirement to take out life insurance, know that this issue has some nuances. Get to know the current law regarding life insurance for home loans.

11 Aug 20233 min

Until what age can I hire or transfer life insurance?
Life Insurance

Until what age can I hire or transfer life insurance?

Are you going to take out life insurance at an older age? Or do you intend to transfer your life insurance to a new insurer halfway through the contract? We explain in this article what influence age can have on the cost of life insurance.

11 Aug 20234 min

Mão de mulher a escrever com caneta em caderno e calculadora
Multirisk Insurance

How do I define and update my insurance capital?

Hired an insurance and need to define and update the insured capital? Learn how to choose this value and how to update it later.

10 Apr 20242 min

What distinguishes health insurance, health plan, and health card?
Health Insurance

What distinguishes health insurance, health plan, and health card?

In the end, what is the difference between insurance, health plan, and health card? These three products that can protect our health differ in some factors. Let's see what they are.

22 Aug 20234 min