
Pré-contratação de crédito habitação: Tudo o que precisa de saber num só eBook
Credit intermediation

Pre-contracting housing credit: Everything you need to know in one eBook.

Hiring a home loan can be a complex process, especially for first-time borrowers. But Poupança no Minuto has gathered everything you need to know in one eBook!

08 Oct 20242 min

Sala de reuniões com janelas e mesa com cadeiras em volta
Insurance Mediation

Insurance sales by banks? Government reopens possibility.

At stake is a measure referenced in the Government's program "Build Portugal," still without a deadline, which allows banks to sell insurance related to mortgage credit.

21 Jun 20243 min

Poupe-se: A nova campanha do Poupança no Minuto vai ajudar a poupar e ser poupado
Credit intermediation

Save yourself: The new Poupança no Minuto campaign will help you save and be spared.

We have launched a new campaign called "Save Yourself", aiming to make a difference in the credit intermediation and insurance mediation segment.

27 May 20242 min

Mulher sentada em sofá com mãos na cabeça inclinada sobre mesa com papéis e portátil
Insurance Mediation

Insurance clients have been increasingly turning to brokers in the hiring process.

According to the data released, insurance customers have been seeking more information about the various options in the market, resorting to insurance brokers before making the decision to take out insurance. Learn about the relevant data and how an insurance broker works.

30 Apr 20243 min

Use (e abuse) destes simuladores para poupar no seu crédito habitação
Credit intermediation

Use (and abuse) these simulators to save on your home loan.

Found your perfect home and need to take out a home loan? Or are you stuck with the Euribor and want to change the conditions of your current home loan? Poupança no Minuto offers two simulators to find the ideal solutions for you.

28 Feb 20243 min

Mediação de seguros: “Sem sombra de dúvidas, foi essencial”
Insurance Mediation

Insurance mediation: "Without a doubt, it was essential"

When hiring an insurance policy, it is essential to be informed about the various market options so you can choose the most suitable one for you. But how can an insurance broker help in this process? Find out how, through the words of an insured who went through the experience.

13 Dec 20233 min

Posso contratar um seguro online?
Insurance Mediation

Can I hire insurance online?

Hiring insurance online is possible, but has its advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to pay attention to some issues when subscribing to this product digitally. For that, you can also ask for help from an insurance mediator.

13 Dec 20233 min

Quer poupar com créditos ou seguros? Conheça os serviços da Poupança no Minuto
Credit intermediation

Want to save on credits or insurance? Check out the services of Poupança no Minuto.

Looking to save on your credits or insurance? You're in the right place! Poupança no Minuto can help you through credit intermediation services and insurance mediation. Want to better understand how these services work and how we can help you? Let us explain in this article.

30 Oct 20233 min

Sabia que comprar casa não significa gastar todas as poupanças? Recorra a um intermediário de crédito
Credit intermediation

Did you know that buying a house doesn't mean spending all your savings? Use a credit intermediary.

The process of buying a house with a housing loan is costly, but know that you don't need to spend all your savings. The more informed you are, the less risks you run of losing money in this process. That's why many Portuguese people turn to a credit intermediary to guide them through the contracting process. Find out how credit intermediation can help you in this article.

22 Aug 20235 min

Poupança no Minuto: A aliada perfeita na intermediação de créditos e seguros
Credit intermediation

Savings in a Minute: The perfect ally in credit and insurance intermediation.

It's true: Savings in a Minute now has a blog! The credit intermediary and insurance mediator now complements its services with reliable information. But who is Savings, what sets it apart from other brands, what it believes in, and what it offers? That's what we will talk about in this article.

11 Aug 20234 min

Mesa castanha onde estão duas pessoas sentadas. Na mesa estão algumas folhas, uma pequena casa de madeira e uma das pessoas segura uma calculadora. A imagem visa representar intermediários de crédito habitação
Credit intermediation

Housing credit intermediaries - What are they and why use these services?

If you are thinking of buying a house or getting credit to achieve another personal goal such as buying a car or a trip, you have certainly come across the term "credit intermediaries". But what are credit intermediaries? What do they do?

11 Aug 20237 min

Crédito recusado por DSTI excedido? A Poupança no Minuto pode ajudar
Credit intermediation

Credit refused for exceeded DSTI? Savings in Minuto can help.

Your credit or credit transfer was rejected by the bank due to the exceeded DSTI ratio with stress? This ratio can lead to non-approval of financing, if it exceeds 50%. But, after all, what does it represent in credit and how can you work around it?

10 Aug 20237 min