What city are houses rented out in less than 24 hours?
The city where houses rent out the fastest, in less than 24 hours, was Funchal. Check out the complete data.
The city where houses rent out the fastest, in less than 24 hours, was Funchal. Check out the complete data.
More houses sold and at a higher price. According to the Association of Real Estate Mediation Professionals and Companies of Portugal, in 2024, the number of houses sold increased by 13.1% and house prices by 12%.
House prices increased by 2.6% in the eurozone and 3.8% in the European Union (EU) in the third quarter of 2024, with Portugal showing the second largest quarterly increase (3.7%).
Meet the situations in which you can terminate a lease contract due to non-payment.
Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) foresees an increase in housing prices in 2025, due to high demand and still insufficient supply in the market.
You can now request support if you are renting a house in Lisbon with a rent that corresponds to 30% or more of your monthly income.
In 2025, rents can increase up to 2.16%, but if the landlord has not updated the rent in the past three years, they can apply the updating coefficients from those years resulting in an increase of 11.1%.
If you want to sell your house, find out how the whole process works.
Discover these areas in Portugal to decide where to buy a house.
Read all steps and concepts about the home buying process.
We present everything you need to know if you want to rent a house.
Understand everything about how buying a house to rent out can be financially rewarding.
The median housing prices increased by 6.6% in the second quarter of the year, now reaching 1,736 euros per square meter.
Are you looking to rent a house? Find out how much rents have increased since 2023.
This year, there are two diplomas in force regarding real estate capital gains, depending on the date of sale of the property. Understand the differences.