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Quais os prazos para denúncia de um contrato de arrendamento?

What are the deadlines for reporting a lease contract?

Termination of a lease contract before the end of the term is possible. However, this involves meeting certain notice periods to notify in advance your intention to terminate the lease, whether you are the tenant or the landlord. But what are the deadlines to meet in each case and each contract?

10 Aug 20233 min

Por lei, a renda da casa tem de ser paga até que dia?

By law, when does the rent for the house need to be paid?

The question is clarified by Dantas Rodrigues, in the "Work and taxes (un)complicated" section of Notícias ao Minuto, about work, personal finances, and taxes. Find out the answer next.

11 Apr 20242 min

Senhorios vão poder aumentar rendas até ao limite de 2,16% em 2025

Landlords will be able to increase rents up to 2.16% by 2025

Check the data from the National Institute of Statistics against what is expected for rents in 2025.

19 Sep 20241 min

Mais-valias imobiliárias: Há dois regimes em vigor
House for Sale

Real estate capital gains: There are two current regimes.

This year, there are two diplomas in force regarding real estate capital gains, depending on the date of sale of the property. Understand the differences.

20 Sep 20242 min

Se o outro titular morrer, o que acontece à casa?
House Purchase

If the other holder dies, what happens to the house?

In case of the death of one of the residents of a house, what happens to the property? The answer to this question depends on whether it was purchased with or without a mortgage, or if it is rented. We clarify in this article.

20 Nov 20233 min

Rendas inalteradas nos últimos anos podem subir até 11% em 2025

Unchanged rents in recent years could increase by up to 11% in 2025.

In 2025, rents can increase up to 2.16%, but if the landlord has not updated the rent in the past three years, they can apply the updating coefficients from those years resulting in an increase of 11.1%.

30 Oct 20242 min

Vender casa? Saiba o que muda na isenção do IRS quanto às mais-valias
House for Sale

Selling a house? Learn what changes regarding tax exemption on capital gains.

If you are planning to sell a property you bought a year or more ago, the new changes regarding tax-exempt capital gains in IRS may apply to you. Understand what changes in this article.

20 Aug 20243 min

Atualização das rendas 2024: Como informar o arrendatário do aumento?

Rent update 2024: How to inform the tenant of the increase?

The search for a solution to mitigate the effects of inflation on tenants, without impacting landlords, is on the table. The Government joined forces with tenant and landlord associations, the two labor centrals, and DECO to discuss how rent updates will be done in 2024. Understand how this coefficient works and how landlords will have to inform tenants about this increase.

06 Oct 20235 min

Where are the famous people buying houses in Portugal?
House Purchase

Where are the famous people buying houses in Portugal?

Portugal has always been a popular destination for celebrities in the real estate market. Many famous individuals seek refuge in the country due to its tranquility, picturesque landscapes, and paradisiacal beaches. But in which areas are they investing?

11 Aug 20236 min

Arrenda casa em Lisboa? Candidaturas ao Subsídio de Arrendamento estão abertas

Renting house in Lisbon? Applications for Rental Subsidy are now open.

You can now request support if you are renting a house in Lisbon with a rent that corresponds to 30% or more of your monthly income.

06 Nov 20242 min

Arrendar casa: Preços sobem 7,2% em agosto

Rent house: Prices rise 7.2% in August

Are you looking to rent a house? Find out how much rents have increased since 2023.

23 Sep 20241 min

Procura uma casa? Arrendar está cada vez mais caro

Looking for a house? Renting is becoming more expensive.

Looking for a house in Portugal? Renting is becoming more expensive overall in the districts. Find out where it's more expensive and cheaper.

05 Sep 20242 min

Compra e venda de casa: Número de imóveis transacionados baixou (muito) em 2023
House Purchase

Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.

The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.

12 Aug 20241 min

Preços das casas vão continuar a subir em 2025
House Purchase

House prices will continue to rise in 2025.

Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD) foresees an increase in housing prices in 2025, due to high demand and still insufficient supply in the market.

07 Nov 20242 min

Reserva de um imóvel: O que é e como se distingue de um CPCV
House Purchase

Booking a property: What is it and how does it differ from a CPCV.

A reservation agreement can easily be confused with a Promissory Purchase and Sale Agreement (CPCV), but they are different contracts. Understand what reserving a property is and how it works.

20 Feb 20244 min