Related to: "Sell a house in 2023: How much do I pay in capital gains tax in 2024?"

What documents do I need to sell my house?
House for Sale

What documents do I need to sell my house?

Are you going to sell your property and are lost amid paperwork? The necessary documents to gather for the sale of a house are still quite a few. Find out what they are, what each one represents, and where you can request them.

10 Aug 20234 min

Sale of house: With or without real estate agency?
House for Sale

Sale of house: With or without real estate agency?

The process of selling a property can be complex, but with a real estate agency it becomes simplified. However, in addition to the numerous advantages, hiring a professional can have disadvantages, as we will see in this article.

18 Dec 20233 min

Venda de casa: Saiba o que é a ficha técnica de habitação
House for Sale

House for sale: Learn about the technical housing data sheet.

When selling your house, it is necessary to gather some documents to deliver to the future owner of the property who will acquire it. The housing technical sheet (HTS) is one of them and is essential to understand the most technical and functional aspects of the house. Understand what the HTS is and what information it gathers.

06 Sep 20234 min

Precisa de um distrate de hipoteca? Saiba o que é e como obter
Housing Credit Acquisition

Need a mortgage discharge? Learn what it is and how to get it.

Are you selling your property and have been asked to request the mortgage discharge from the bank? This document is essential for the deed, to release the bank from the debt associated with your property. Let's better understand what this document is and how you can obtain it.

23 Oct 20235 min

Venda de casa: Como pedir a declaração de não dívida ao condomínio?
House for Sale

House sale: How to request a statement of no debt from the condominium?

When selling a property, it is necessary to gather various documents that are present in the deed. Recently, a declaration of condominium charges was added to this collection. But what is this declaration and what is its purpose?

15 Nov 20234 min

Como preparar uma casa para ser vendida?
House for Sale

How to prepare a house for sale?

Preparing a house for real estate visits in a sales process is essential. If the house is visually appealing, sensational, and with organized and up-to-date documents, the sale will be much faster. Understand all the steps you should follow.

26 Dec 20234 min

Vendeu uma casa a partir de 2022? Pode estar isento de mais-valias. Saiba como
House for Sale

Sold a house from 2022? You may be exempt from capital gains tax. Learn how.

Did you know that if you sell a house between 2022 and 2024, you may be exempt from paying the respective capital gains? This is a housing support measure from the government. Understand what requirements it involves next.

16 Jan 20242 min

Venda de casas vai abrandar em 2024? Inquérito conclui que sim
House Purchase

Sale of houses will slow down in 2024? Survey concludes yes

What will happen to the sale of houses in the real estate market in 2024? Find out the data collected from a survey conducted with experts and learn how to buy a house this year.

17 Jan 20242 min

Novo simplex dispensa licenças na venda de casa. Saiba os riscos e proteja-se
House Purchase

New simplified procedure dispenses with licenses in house sales. Learn the risks and protect yourself.

The new diploma includes 26 measures to improve access to housing. Find out how Simplex will make buying and selling a home easier, the associated risks, and how to protect yourself.

23 Jan 20246 min

Venda de casa: Oferta de imóveis aumenta 10% no último ano
Housing Credit Acquisition

House for sale: Real estate offer increases 10% in the last year

According to a study by Idealista shared by Notícias ao Minuto, the real estate supply increased by 10% in the last year.

01 Feb 20242 min

Menos casas vendidas em 2023? Preços aumentaram 11,8%
House for Sale

Fewer homes sold in 2023? Prices increased by 11.8%

According to data released, fewer houses were sold in 2023 compared to the previous year, but the justification may lie in the increase in prices. Understand better, next.

02 Feb 20243 min

Novo Simplex na habitação: “É um retrocesso na exigência de regulamentação”
House Purchase

New Simplex in housing: "It is a setback in regulatory requirements"

Following the new Simplex document, which exempts the presentation of property licenses in the purchase and sale of houses, we spoke with real estate consultants from Casa no Minuto about the advantages and disadvantages of this document.

13 Feb 20243 min

Casas à venda em Portugal encareceram 6,5% num ano

Houses for sale in Portugal increased by 6.5%

The value of houses for sale in Portugal has increased by 6.5% in just one year. Check out the numbers and how to buy a house with the best proposal.

24 Jul 20242 min

Vender casa? Saiba o que muda na isenção do IRS quanto às mais-valias
House for Sale

Selling a house? Learn what changes regarding tax exemption on capital gains.

If you are planning to sell a property you bought a year or more ago, the new changes regarding tax-exempt capital gains in IRS may apply to you. Understand what changes in this article.

20 Aug 20243 min

Mais-valias imobiliárias: Há dois regimes em vigor em 2024
House for Sale

Real estate capital gains: Two regimes in force in 2024

This year, there are two diplomas in force regarding real estate capital gains, depending on the property sale date. Understand the differences.

20 Sep 20242 min