Related to: "Health insurance during pregnancy: What you should know before choosing."

Health insurance: Coverage, exclusions and benefits.
Health Insurance

Health insurance: Coverage, exclusions and benefits.

Is it worth hiring health insurance? According to each individual's needs, the answer will always be affirmative. But then, what does it cover, what does it exclude, and what are the advantages of subscribing to this insurance?

11 Aug 20235 min

What distinguishes health insurance, health plan, and health card?
Health Insurance

What distinguishes health insurance, health plan, and health card?

In the end, what is the difference between insurance, health plan, and health card? These three products that can protect our health differ in some factors. Let's see what they are.

22 Aug 20234 min

Qual é a diferença entre seguro de vida e seguro de saúde?
Life Insurance

What is the difference between life insurance and health insurance?

There are many doubts about the difference between life insurance and health insurance. The reality is that the two insurances can be distinguished by coverage options. Therefore, we explain in this article what distinguishes one insurance from the other.

11 Aug 20234 min

Um glossário para conhecer todos os conceitos de seguros
Insurance Renegotiation

A glossary to learn all the concepts of insurance.

Hiring an insurance can be a challenge, due to all the complex concepts used by professionals. That is why we have gathered in this glossary all the terms you should know, in order to be able to subscribe to an insurance informedly.

26 Sep 20235 min

Medicina de Precisão: Saiba porque deve ter esta cobertura no seu seguro de vida
Life Insurance

Precision Medicine: Find out why you should have this coverage in your life insurance.

Do you know about the Precision Medicine field? This is an area increasingly being researched in Portugal and, currently, already included in life insurance coverage. Understand what this option represents and why you should consider it.

03 Nov 20235 min

Posso contratar um seguro online?
Insurance Mediation

Can I hire insurance online?

Hiring insurance online is possible, but has its advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to pay attention to some issues when subscribing to this product digitally. For that, you can also ask for help from an insurance mediator.

13 Dec 20233 min

Quer contratar um seguro e deparou-se com o período de carência? Saiba o que é
Life Insurance

Want to take out insurance and came across the waiting period? Learn what it is

Want to hire insurance, but heard about the waiting period? Let us explain what this concept is and its objective.

03 Apr 20243 min

Seguro de saúde e seguro de acidentes pessoais: Como garantem o bem-estar?
Health Insurance

Health insurance and personal accident insurance: How do they ensure well-being?

Ensure protection through health insurance and/or personal accident insurance.

29 Oct 20241 min

Rede convencionada ou de reembolso: O que escolher no seguro de saúde?
Health Insurance

Network or reimbursement plan: What to choose in health insurance?

Notice the differences between the conventional network and the reimbursement system in health insurance and choose the best option for your case.

25 Feb 20253 min

6 conselhos de preparação financeira para a maternidade

6 financial preparation tips for motherhood

Meet these tips suggested by a childcare educator to financially prepare yourself in case you are pregnant or want to have a child.

06 Sep 20243 min

Até que idade posso contratar ou transferir o seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

Until what age can I take out or transfer life insurance?

Are you going to take out life insurance at an older age? Or do you plan to transfer your life insurance to a new insurer halfway through the contract? We explain in this article the influence that age can have on the cost of life insurance.

11 Aug 20234 min

O que distingue as coberturas ITP/IDPAC de IAD no seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What distinguishes ITP/IDPAC coverages from IAD in life insurance?

At certain stages of our lives, we may find ourselves in need of taking out a life insurance policy. Just like with a housing loan, which requires the subscription of an associated life insurance policy. But when it comes to coverage, the terms used can be complex. ITP? IDPAC? IAD? We will see what they mean and how they differ.

07 Nov 20234 min

Seguro de vida pode ser declarado no IRS?
Life Insurance

Can life insurance be declared on tax returns?

Only workers with fast-paced professions, disabled individuals, or subscribers of Retirement Savings Plans (PPR) can include life insurance expenses in their IRS declaration. Understand the requirements and limits for these cases.

08 Nov 20234 min

O que pode impactar o valor do meu seguro de vida?
Life Insurance

What can impact the value of my life insurance?

There are several factors that can condition the amount you pay for your life insurance, depending on the risk that insurance companies incur when granting you the contract. Find out which ones in this article.

08 Jan 20243 min

Seguradora isenta de pagar indemnização por doença oculta? Saiba como se prevenir
Life Insurance

Insurer not liable to pay compensation for hidden disease? Learn how to prevent yourself

The insurance company was acquitted of paying compensation to the insured's daughter who was diagnosed with cancer shortly after the contract was signed. The Court ruled in favor of the insurance company, stating that the insured already had symptoms indicative of the disease, which were not disclosed in the pre-contract health questionnaire. Understand what is at stake.

13 Mar 20244 min