Related to: "Did you know you can save with your bank account?"

Rendas: Conheça os novos apoios para inquilinos

Income: Learn about the new support for tenants.

The rent control imposed in 2023 ends in December, and new supports will be implemented starting in January. Learn about the supports and the impact they may have on your budget.

31 Oct 20233 min

OE2024: Medidas garantem maior aumento de sempre
Mortgage Savings Credit

OE2024: Measures ensure largest increase ever

With the approval of the State Budget for 2024, the Government now ensures that the measures to come will mark the "biggest increase ever in support for families". But what measures stand out?

05 Dec 20233 min

Tem uma casa? Veja se tem direito a desconto no IMI
Mortgage Savings Credit

Do you have a house? See if you are entitled to an IMI discount.

If you own a house, you know you have to pay the Property Tax (IMI). But did you know there are exemptions and discounts available for this tax? See if you are eligible for this specific reduction, then.

18 Dec 20233 min

Comissões bancárias elevadas? Saiba até quanto podem custar no crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

High bank commissions? Find out how much they can cost in housing credit.

According to a study, Portuguese people feel dissatisfied with the cost of bank commissions currently. In the case of wanting to buy a house, find out how much this cost can represent in mortgage credit.

22 Dec 20232 min

Portugueses consideram que nível de vida vai piorar: Como se precaver?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Portuguese citizens believe the standard of living will worsen: How to prepare?

According to Eurobarometer, 83% of the Portuguese respondents believe that their standard of living will worsen by 2024. So, how can one protect themselves from this prediction if they have insurance and loans?

03 Jan 20243 min

Poupar no IRS? Não se esqueça de ir validando as faturas
Mortgage Savings Credit

Save on IRS? Don't forget to validate the invoices.

There are several steps you need to take in order to save on next year's IRS: find out which ones.

20 Dec 20232 min

Taxas máximas nos créditos vão subir em 2024: Como encontrar as mais baixas?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Maximum loan rates will rise in 2024: How to find the lowest rates?

The maximum interest rates on loans will be higher in the first quarter of next year. So how can you access proposals with lower rates? Find out in this article.

21 Dec 20233 min

Taxa de inflação abranda para 1,5% em Portugal: Novos preços, novo orçamento?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate drops to 1.5% in Portugal: New prices, new budget?

Good news: The inflation rate in Portugal is starting to slow down. So, with the new prices, should we reorganize the budget?

22 Dec 20233 min

Como entrar em 2024 com a poupança certa?
Mortgage Savings Credit

How to enter 2024 with the right savings?

The year 2023 is now coming to an end and the hope for a better and more financially comfortable 2024 is evident. Therefore, we will help you evaluate all the options available so that you enter the new year with an organized budget.

21 Dec 20237 min

IRS: Mudança no agregado familiar? Tem de declarar até ao final do mês
Mortgage Savings Credit

IRS: Change in household? Must declare by end of the month.

You have until the 31st of this month to declare the change in household composition. Read the Tax Authority's alert and how to save on the 2023 IRS.

27 Dec 20232 min

5 dicas para comprar (e poupar) nos saldos

5 tips for buying (and saving) on sales

The sales have already started and it can be a great time to buy that piece you need or have always wanted at lower prices. But how to find the best opportunities safely? Check out 5 tips in this article.

29 Dec 20233 min

Taxa de inflação recua em dezembro: Saiba qual a média total de 2023
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Inflation rate drops in December: Find out the total average for 2023.

The inflation rate has dropped again, now to 1.4%. With this, it is now possible to finalize the average for the year 2023. Learn about the data involved and how to take advantage of this moment to review the budget.

10 Jan 20243 min

Poupar mais de 1.300 euros por ano? Experimente a estratégia das 52 semanas
Mortgage Savings Credit

Save over 1,300 euros per year? Try the 52 weeks strategy.

Do you need to save money in 2024 for a larger margin in your monthly family budget, or for a future project? There are several strategies you can use, such as the 52-week challenge. Have you heard of it? Find out how it works, next.

15 Jan 20244 min

Compensa comprar casa para arrendar? Conheça os dados de 2023
Housing Credit Acquisition

Is it worth buying a house to rent out? Discover the 2023 data.

According to data released by Idealista and later shared in a news article by Notícias ao Minuto, in 2023 it was worthwhile to buy a house to rent in most Portuguese cities. Find out more about the data, the profitability by district, and if the process is worth it, then.

15 Jan 20243 min

Taxa de poupança na zona euro aumenta, mas de investimento abranda
Mortgage Savings Credit

Savings rate in the eurozone increases, but investment rate slows down.

Eurostat data indicated that, in the third quarter of last year, families saved more, but did not invest as much. Get to know the numbers and find out how you can save with credit and insurance contracts.

18 Jan 20242 min