Related to: "How much do I spend on buying a car?"

Vale a pena subscrever um seguro de proteção ao crédito?
Personal Car Loan

Is it worth subscribing to a credit protection insurance?

Are you afraid you won't be able to pay off a loan due to unexpected events like involuntary unemployment or an accident that causes disability? This is where a credit protection insurance comes in. However, this is an insurance that requires many requirements. Let's explain how this insurance works.

11 Aug 20234 min

Incumprimento do crédito habitação: Saiba o que o PERSI pode fazer por si
Mortgage Savings Credit

Noncompliance with home loans: Find out what PERSI can do for you.

Are you in default with your home loan? The PERSI can help. Learn about the plan that banks must follow in this case, and find out how to save on your monthly installment.

08 Nov 20232 min

Tenho um crédito habitação. Posso contratar outro crédito?
Housing Credit Acquisition

I have a home loan. Can I take out another loan?

One of the most common questions that arises after taking out a loan is whether you can take out another for a different project. For example, a house and a car are usually among the most important projects, and many need financing to acquire both. But how can you know if you have the financial capacity for both?

09 Nov 20235 min

Taxas máximas nos créditos vão subir em 2024: Como encontrar as mais baixas?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Maximum loan rates will rise in 2024: How to find the lowest rates?

The maximum interest rates on loans will be higher in the first quarter of next year. So how can you access proposals with lower rates? Find out in this article.

21 Dec 20233 min

Taxas dos créditos aos consumidores aumentam: Como conseguir as melhores?
Personal Car Loan

Consumer credit rates rise: How to get the best ones?

In the second quarter, the maximum interest rates on consumer loans increased, according to the Bank of Portugal (BdP). Want to know how to get the best rates in the market for these loans? Read this article.

15 Mar 20242 min

Como contratar um crédito automóvel?
Personal Car Loan

How to hire a car credit?

An auto loan is a personal financing with the specific purpose of purchasing a vehicle. But how does it work, what requirements are necessary and what should you decide before contracting? We will explain next.

26 Mar 20245 min

Mesa castanha onde estão duas pessoas sentadas. Na mesa estão algumas folhas, uma pequena casa de madeira e uma das pessoas segura uma calculadora. A imagem visa representar intermediários de crédito habitação
Credit intermediation

Housing credit intermediaries - What are they and why use these services?

If you are thinking of buying a house or getting credit to achieve another personal goal such as buying a car or a trip, you have certainly come across the term "credit intermediaries". But what are credit intermediaries? What do they do?

11 Aug 20237 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage glossary -

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

I got divorced: What happens to the mortgage credit?
Mortgage Credit Divorce

I got divorced: What happens to the mortgage credit?

Are you going through a divorce and have a property together with your ex-spouse, through a housing loan? Find out what can be done to the credit contract, depending on whether any of the members want to keep the property or not.

08 Sep 20234 min

Vai para a faculdade com o orçamento apertado? Conheça o crédito para estudantes
Personal loan training

Going to college on a tight budget? Check out student loans at [URL] for assistance.

The school year is almost here and it's time to start organizing the budget. Taking a course can be expensive, that's why there are financial products to help you, such as personal loans for students. Is your next future project to study? Find out how this credit works.

22 Aug 20234 min

Orçamento apertado no regresso às aulas? Saiba como gastar menos
Mortgage Savings Credit

Tight budget on back to school? Find out how to spend less

The return to school is approaching and this is a financially turbulent time for parents. But there are some strategies that can help you spend less money and not tighten your budget. Let's see which ones?

10 Aug 20235 min

Parque das Nações: O bairro que cresceu com a Expo’98
House Purchase

Parque das Nações: The neighborhood that grew with Expo'98.

The Nations Park was a redeveloped area with the project of the World Exhibition, with its theme "The Oceans, a Heritage for the Future", focused on honoring the navigators of the Portuguese Discoveries. Since then, it has become a residential and urban reference area. Will it be the ideal place to settle down? Understand the history of this area, and what it has to offer to its residents.

10 Aug 20236 min

Vai reformar-se e quer comprar casa numa zona pacífica? O Alentejo é para si
House Purchase

Are you retiring and want to buy a house in a peaceful area? Alentejo is for you

The retirement is coming and it's time to relax? Many Portuguese, when their careers end, want to move to a more peaceful area where they can enjoy their retirement. And Alentejo is always one of the most chosen options: Let's see why.

22 Aug 20235 min

Poupança no Minuto: A aliada perfeita na intermediação de créditos e seguros
Credit intermediation

Savings in a Minute: The perfect ally in credit and insurance intermediation.

It's true: Savings in a Minute now has a blog! The credit intermediary and insurance mediator now complements its services with reliable information. But who is Savings, what sets it apart from other brands, what it believes in, and what it offers? That's what we will talk about in this article.

11 Aug 20234 min

Sabia que comprar casa não significa gastar todas as poupanças? Recorra a um intermediário de crédito
Credit intermediation

Did you know that buying a house doesn't mean spending all your savings? Use a credit intermediary.

The process of buying a house with a housing loan is costly, but know that you don't need to spend all your savings. The more informed you are, the less risks you run of losing money in this process. That's why many Portuguese people turn to a credit intermediary to guide them through the contracting process. Find out how credit intermediation can help you in this article.

22 Aug 20235 min