Related to: "House hunting: Where to start?"

Um casal sentado numa mesa em frente ao computador. A imagem visa representar a procura de casa
House Purchase

House hunting: Where to start?

Are you planning to buy a new house and have already gone to the bank to assess your financial capacity to move forward? If so, and you now have a pre-approved home loan, find out how to proceed in finding the right property in this article.

11 Aug 20236 min

Uma mão a segurar chaves com um porta-chaves com uma casa que visa representar o ato de comprar casa
House Purchase

What should you do before buying a home?

Want to buy a property and don't know the steps to move forward with the process? We explain, in this article, three phases you should follow before buying a house, and how credit intermediaries can help.

11 Aug 20233 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage glossary -

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

Ida para a Universidade: Onde encontrar a casa ideal?

Going to College: Where to find the ideal home?

Are you moving to a new city to study at the University, but don't know where to find the ideal house? Yes, there are many research sources and you may end up getting lost in what is reliable or not... So, let's see in this article all the platforms where you can search.

22 Aug 20233 min

Porquê comprar casa em São Vicente, Lisboa?
House Purchase

Why buy a house in São Vicente, Lisbon?

Are you looking for a house to buy in Lisbon? Get to know São Vicente, one of the parishes of the capital, located at the top and known for its viewpoints.

20 Oct 20234 min

Crédito habitação: BdP alivia teste de esforço exigido aos mutuários
Housing Credit Acquisition

Home loan: BdP eases stress test required for borrowers.

Looking to apply for a housing loan? We have good news for you: The Bank of Portugal (BdP) eased one of the requirements imposed on customers, making access to this type of financing easier. Understand what changes in the stress test required by banks, in this article.

17 Oct 20233 min

Comprar casa está mais caro? Peça ajuda a profissionais
Housing Credit Acquisition

Buying a house more expensive? Get help from professionals.

Do you want to buy a house? Know that the cost keeps increasing, but do not lose hope yet! By turning to professionals, the process can be much simpler (and cheaper).

13 Nov 20233 min

Presidente da República promulga alargamento do apoio à renda

President of the Republic promulgates extension of rent support.

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, has promulgated the improvement and expansion of the extraordinary support for rent. Find out more about these changes and what you need to do if you want to rent a house in 2024.

14 Nov 20232 min

Comprar casa? Conheça estas três freguesias de Setúbal
House Purchase

Buying a house? Get to know these three parishes in Setúbal.

Want to buy a house, but still unsure about the location? Well then, get to know three parishes in Setúbal that offer beautiful properties and amenities: Comporta, Tróia, and Palmela.

15 Nov 20234 min

Preço das casas aumenta mais do dobro desde 2010
Housing Credit Acquisition

House prices have more than doubled since 2010.

The price of houses continues to rise, and even though the cooling down is already starting to be felt, the difference from 2010 is significant. Understand better, in this article, and learn how to access a less costly home buying process.

29 Nov 20233 min

Dois em cada 10 portugueses poupam para comprar casa
House Purchase

Two out of 10 Portuguese people save to buy a house

Currently, only two out of 10 Portuguese people save with the purpose of buying a house. From the same study, it is concluded that two-thirds of Portuguese people are saving less than 10% of their salary. These are data revealed by the Boston Consulting Group, which reveal the consequences of the financial difficulties we are going through. Get to know all the data, and exactly how much we should save to buy a house, in this article.

30 Nov 20235 min

Quero comprar casa. Qual o primeiro passo?
House Purchase

I want to buy a house. What's the first step?

Buying a house is an important decision in our lives, which should be studied in advance. Therefore, you should know the essential requirements. For this search, it can help to have a real estate consultant by your side. Let's see what the first step is, and how a real estate agency can help you in the process.

28 Nov 20233 min

Parede, Cascais – Conhece? Pode ser onde está a sua próxima casa
House Purchase

Parede, Cascais - Do you know? It could be where your next home is

Parede is a parish in Cascais, near the sea with excellent areas for walking and possibly living. Are you looking for a property to buy? Then, see if this is where your next home is located.

12 Dec 20234 min

Preços das casas voltam a subir. Como encontrar a melhor oportunidade?
House Purchase

House prices are rising again. How to find the best opportunity?

House prices have gone up again in almost all districts of Portugal last November. Get to know the numbers and how to find the best opportunity to buy a house, next.

11 Dec 20232 min

Barreiro cada vez mais desenvolvido: Será hoje uma boa freguesia para morar?
House Purchase

Barreiro increasingly developed: Is it a good parish to live in today?

Looking for a house to buy, but still uncertain about the location? Barreiro may be an option to consider on your list. Increasingly developed, it is now also a cultural hub. Learn more about Barreiro and find out if it is a residential area worth considering.

19 Dec 20234 min