Related to: "Save money? Small actions that can help every day."

Teclado com mãos a segurar cartão bancário para compras online sustentáveis

Looking to shop online sustainably? Read these tips.

Today is Earth Day celebrated and, to mark this day, Inpost revealed five tips for online shopping customers to make the process more sustainable. Read more next.

19 Apr 20243 min

Se vai de férias, atente a estas dicas para arrendar casa em segurança

If you are going on vacation, pay attention to these tips for renting a house safely

If you are going on vacation and want to rent a house, pay attention to the following tips so you won't be scammed in the process.

08 Jul 20243 min

5 erros financeiros a evitar se quiser (mesmo) poupar

5 financial mistakes to avoid if you want to save

If you are looking to save money but have not been successful, find out the financial mistakes to avoid in order to succeed.

23 Aug 20242 min

6 dicas para poupar ao gerir o subsídio de refeição

6 tips to save when managing meal subsidy.

Check out these tips to save money monthly with the value you receive as a meal allowance.

11 Sep 20242 min

Tem até 25 anos? Vai poder ir ao Oceanário por metade do preço

Are you up to 25 years old? You can go to the Oceanarium for half price.

Through this Oceanário de Lisboa promotional campaign, those under 25 years old will be able to visit the spaces at half price next month.

09 Sep 20241 min

Quais as diferenças entre taxa fixa e variável? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

What are the differences between fixed and variable rates? | Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro.

Stay tuned for this new section Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finances.

16 Sep 20241 min

Precisa de poupar? 5 dicas práticas para o dia a dia

Need to save money? 5 practical tips for everyday life

Read these 5 practical and simple tips to save money in your daily life.

24 Sep 20241 min

Como poupar milhares de euros na compra da primeira casa? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

How to save thousands of euros when buying your first home? | Tips on saving with Gonçalo Malheiro.

The new section "Tips for saving" with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finance, now explains how to save on buying a house.

30 Sep 20241 min

Como poupar para dar entrada na compra da primeira casa? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

How to save money for a down payment on your first home? | Savings tips with Gonçalo Malheiro

This new section Tips to save with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finance, brings us the third video on saving for the down payment on a house.

30 Sep 20241 min

Como poupar dinheiro ao investir no mercado imobiliário? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

How to save money when investing in the real estate market? | Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro.

The September column - Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and digital content creator related to finances, now addresses the topic of saving when investing in the real estate market.

30 Sep 20241 min

Literacia financeira: 10 conselhos a que deve atentar com a nova legislatura

Financial literacy: 10 tips to keep in mind with the new legislature

Read these 10 topics for which DECO PROteste draws attention, informing consumers about their rights in the new legislative period.

03 May 20246 min

Mais de metade dos portugueses faz férias em Portugal por motivos financeiros

More than half of Portuguese people vacation in Portugal for financial reasons.

The percentage of Portuguese people who vacation in Portugal to save money is 55%, according to a recent study. Check out the relevant statistics and learn how to save before going on vacation.

13 Aug 20242 min

Siga estes passos para criar uma reserva de emergência

Follow these steps to create an emergency reserve.

If you want to create an emergency fund, follow these steps through practical examples.

25 Sep 20242 min

Confira os cuidados que deve ter ao fazer compras online

Check the care you should take when shopping online.

Do you usually shop online? It is important to be aware of the precautions you should take.

30 Sep 20242 min

Precisa de poupar? Este desafio permite amealhar quase 6 mil euros por ano

Need to save? This challenge allows you to save almost 6 thousand euros per year.

Have you heard of the 1 euro savings challenge? At the end of a year, you can amass a significant amount! Find out how.

10 Oct 20241 min