Related to: "IRS with Finance error? Learn how to submit a complaint."

Cubos com símbolos financeiros por cima de moedas

IRS delivery: Everything you need to pay attention to

The submission of the IRS declaration started on April 1st and ends on June 30th. But, after all, what should you pay attention to when filling out your statement? See the following points.

04 Apr 20243 min

Posso optar pelo IRS automático em tributação conjunta?

Can I choose automatic IRS with joint taxation?

The DECO PROteste came to clarify the most common doubts regarding joint and separate taxation in the case of automatic IRS. Read more next.

08 Apr 20242 min

Tem uma dívida às finanças? Saiba como funciona no IRS

Do you have a debt with the finance department? Learn how IRS works.

If you have a debt to the Tax Office and your IRS simulation shows a refund amount, you may not receive it. Understand it better, then.

12 Apr 20242 min

Prémio salarial: Não terá direito se for dependente no IRS

Wage award: You will not be entitled if you are dependent on IRS

This is one of the requirements in order to access the salary prize: Being a self-employed individual in the IRS, warns the Tax Authority.

16 Apr 20242 min

O que significam os estados da sua declaração de IRS?

What do the states of your IRS statement mean?

You have submitted your IRS and want to understand the evolution of the states of your declaration, to know when you will have the refund in your account or have to pay additional tax? Understand the meaning of each state, then.

18 Apr 20243 min

O que acontece se o reembolso de IRS for inferior a 10 euros?

What happens if the IRS refund is less than 10 euros?

The Tax Authority clarifies that if your IRS refund is less than 10 euros, you will not receive it. Understand better next.

17 Apr 20242 min

Quem não tem de entregar IRS? Saiba as situações

Who does not have to submit IRS? Find out the situations.

Are you unsure if you will have to submit the IRS declaration this year or not? The Tax Office clarifies situations in which submission is not necessary.

19 Apr 20242 min

Secretária, computador e cadeira simbolizando o preencher da declaração de IRS

Differences in IRS declaration? Find out how to resolve them.

Your IRS statement showed discrepancies? The Tax Office explains how to resolve it. Find out next.

07 Jun 20241 min

Um guia para perceber melhor o IRS

A guide to better understand the IRS.

Check how IRS works and its submission through the annual tax return.

29 Oct 20242 min

Maximize o reembolso de IRS! Valide as faturas pendentes até dia 25

Maximize your IRS refund! Validate pending invoices by the 25th.

Don't forget to check for pending invoices, to validate them and maximize the amount to receive as IRS refund.

14 Feb 20252 min

Seguro de vida pode ser declarado no IRS?
Life Insurance

Can life insurance be declared on tax returns?

Only workers with fast-paced professions, disabled individuals, or subscribers of Retirement Savings Plans (PPR) can include life insurance expenses in their IRS declaration. Understand the requirements and limits for these cases.

08 Nov 20234 min

Como serão os aumentos das pensões em 2024?
Mortgage Savings Credit

How will pension increases be in 2024?

After the resignation of the Prime Minister, António Costa, uncertainty hung over the measures planned in the State Budget for 2024. As for pension increases, it has already been confirmed that they will move forward, but by how much?

15 Dec 20233 min

Em 2024, generalidade das famílias vai pagar menos IRS
Mortgage Savings Credit

In 2024, most families will pay less income tax.

Next year, the State Budget foresees a reduction in IRS tax for families. This statement was made by the Minister of Finance, Fernando Medina, on his social media. Find out how much the tax will be reduced in 2024, and in what other ways you can save.

24 Nov 20233 min

IRS: Como é tributado um PPR e como poupar no imposto?
Mortgage Savings Credit

IRS: How is retirement savings taxed and how to save on taxes?

How does the taxation of a pension savings plan (PPR) work in terms of IRS? According to the Tax Authority (AT), there are five factors to consider for this purpose. Let's see what they are and in what other ways you can save on the 2023 tax.

04 Dec 20232 min

IRS: Mudança no agregado familiar? Tem de declarar até ao final do mês
Mortgage Savings Credit

IRS: Change in household? Must declare by end of the month.

You have until the 31st of this month to declare the change in household composition. Read the Tax Authority's alert and how to save on the 2023 IRS.

27 Dec 20232 min