Related to: "Foreigners continue to represent over 22% of house demand in Portugal."

Governo lança novo incentivo fiscal à investigação científica e à inovação
House Purchase

Government launches new fiscal incentive for scientific research and innovation.

With the end of the Non-Habitual Resident Regime (NHR), the Government announces a new tax incentive: now for scientific research and innovation. Learn how this new regime works, then.

24 Jan 20243 min

Housing credit for immigrants: What are the conditions?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Housing credit for immigrants: What are the conditions?

As a Portuguese expatriate living abroad, it is possible to buy a property in Portugal. However, the housing loan conditions may be slightly different, depending on certain factors. But which ones?

22 Aug 20234 min

Crédito habitação para não residentes: “O intermediário ajudou-me a negociar com os bancos”
Home Loans for Non-Residents

Home loan for non-residents: "The intermediary helped me negotiate with the banks"

When it comes to housing credit for non-residents in Portugal, the process can seem confusing to foreigners. That's why we spoke with Kristen (fictional name), who explained how her process unfolded and the importance of seeking help from a real estate agency and, especially, a credit intermediary.

08 Sep 20233 min

Dia Mundial da Poupança: Conheça 3 clientes que ajudámos a poupar em créditos e seguros
Mortgage Savings Credit

World Savings Day: Get to know 3 clients we helped save on loans and insurance.

Savings in a Minute's main purpose is to help customers save with their credits and insurance. Therefore, on World Savings Day, we show you 3 cases of customers we have assisted, who accessed the best proposals in their products, with our free services.

30 Oct 20235 min

Duas pessoas sentadas numa mesa de madeira, na mesa estão alguns papéis um computador portátil. A imagem visa representar a análise de uma proposta de crédito
Housing Credit Acquisition

FINE: Know how to analyze a credit proposal

When buying a house with a housing loan, you may come across some terms that may seem confusing at first. If you have already started the process and the bank has given you a document called FINE, know its purpose and how to analyze it.

11 Aug 20234 min

Pessoa a calcular a taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Effort rate: What is this concept and how is it calculated?

The effort rate is one of the concepts in mortgage credit. In short, the effort rate assesses whether you have the ability to meet the installments of a loan. But what does this concept mean and how is it calculated?

11 Aug 20239 min

Crédito habitação: O que difere a TAN da TAEG?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: What is the difference between APR and APRC?

When buying a house through a bank loan, you may come across a language associated with mortgage credit that is somewhat complex. Such as the abbreviations related to interest rates, TMR and APR. So, what do they mean and represent?

11 Aug 20234 min

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?

The interest rate you choose for your mortgage directly impacts the amount you will pay monthly. You can choose between a fixed, variable, or mixed rate. But what does each concept mean, how does it work, and how does it impact the credit?

11 Aug 20237 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage glossary -

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

Pre-approval of home loan: What comes next?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Pre-approval of home loan: What comes next?

The mortgage application process goes through several stages, starting with the submission of documents to the bank. Next, the bank needs to evaluate if the credit holders are eligible to proceed, and only then is the credit pre-approved. But what comes next?

11 Aug 20233 min

How to make an early repayment of my home loan?
Housing Credit Acquisition

How to make an early repayment of my home loan?

Paying off your home loan early can be a solution to reduce the monthly installment you pay for this burden. Find out how it works, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

11 Aug 20234 min

What does the spread represent in mortgage credit?
Housing Credit Acquisition

What does the spread represent in mortgage credit?

Are you going to take out a home loan and came across the concept of spread? This is one of the rates associated with this loan and can vary depending on some aspects. Learn how the spread works so that you have a rate tailored to your budget.

11 Aug 20233 min

Diploma puts an end to the processing fee for loan installment commission.
Housing Credit Acquisition

Diploma puts an end to the processing fee for loan installment commission.

New measures related to credits were announced, which can now benefit consumers. In order to facilitate access to housing credit and others, this legislation dictates the end of some commissions: find out which ones.

10 Aug 20234 min

Mortgage for foreigners: What documents are required?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage for foreigners: What documents are required?

Are you a foreigner considering applying for a home loan in Portugal? The process can be simple, as long as you are informed beforehand. Find out what may differ in terms of conditions for locals, and what documents banks may request from you.

11 Aug 20234 min

What are the requirements for an approved housing credit?
Housing Credit Acquisition

What are the requirements for an approved housing credit?

In order to apply for a home loan, it is necessary to meet certain conditions in order to have the proposal approved. In this article, we list the 4 requirements that you must meet in order to buy your home through a home loan.

10 Aug 20234 min