Relacionados com: "I defaulted on my mortgage, do I have to pay late fees?"

Garantia hipotecária e crédito hipotecário: Quais as diferenças?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage guarantee and mortgage credit: What are the differences?

A mortgage guarantee can be associated with a housing loan, but not only! There are other types of guarantees and other types of mortgage loans. It's true... find out everything in this article.

29 Sep 20234 min

Estive ao abrigo do PARI. Posso fixar a prestação da casa?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

I was under the PARI. Can I fix the house payment?

The issue arises within the scope of the legislation of the new Government measure to support the Portuguese with their home loans, fixing and lowering the monthly amounts. Find out if you have already been or are currently under the PARI program with your mortgage, you can join the support in question.

21 Nov 20234 min

Estudo aponta para aumento de incumprimentos e menos dinheiro

Study points to increase in defaults and less money.

Inflation continues to show no significant decrease and the prices of products and services have remained a problem for the wallets of Portuguese people. According to a study, due to this situation, the increase in payment defaults has become increasingly evident. Find out what is at stake.

28 Mar 20242 min

Empréstimos em risco aumentaram em 2023. Como diminuir o risco?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Empréstimos em risco aumentaram em 2023. Como diminuir o risco?

Ainda que o incumprimento tenha diminuído ao longo de 2023, os empréstimos em risco aumentaram. Conheça os números e saiba como diminuir o risco de entrar em incumprimento no seu crédito.

19 Jun 20244 min

Uma mão a segurar chaves com um porta-chaves com uma casa que visa representar o ato de comprar casa
House Purchase

What should you do before buying a home?

Want to buy a property and don't know the steps to move forward with the process? We explain, in this article, three phases you should follow before buying a house, and how credit intermediaries can help.

11 Aug 20233 min

Duas pessoas sentadas numa mesa de madeira, na mesa estão alguns papéis um computador portátil. A imagem visa representar a análise de uma proposta de crédito
Housing Credit Acquisition

FINE: Know how to analyze a credit proposal

When buying a house with a housing loan, you may come across some terms that may seem confusing at first. If you have already started the process and the bank has given you a document called FINE, know its purpose and how to analyze it.

11 Aug 20234 min

Pessoa a calcular a taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Effort rate: What is this concept and how is it calculated?

The effort rate is one of the concepts in mortgage credit. In short, the effort rate assesses whether you have the ability to meet the installments of a loan. But what does this concept mean and how is it calculated?

11 Aug 20239 min

Um casal sentado numa mesa em frente ao computador. A imagem visa representar a procura de casa
House Purchase

House hunting: Where to start?

Are you planning to buy a new house and have already gone to the bank to assess your financial capacity to move forward? If so, and you now have a pre-approved home loan, find out how to proceed in finding the right property in this article.

11 Aug 20236 min

Crédito habitação: O que difere a TAN da TAEG?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: What is the difference between APR and APRC?

When buying a house through a bank loan, you may come across a language associated with mortgage credit that is somewhat complex. Such as the abbreviations related to interest rates, TMR and APR. So, what do they mean and represent?

11 Aug 20234 min

Is the housing credit transfer free?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Is the housing credit transfer free?

With the rise in interest rates, the difficulty in paying the monthly installments of the home loan is greater. Therefore, it is important to look for savings solutions in credit, such as transferring it. Find out how this process works, and if it has costs.

11 Aug 20234 min

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?

The interest rate you choose for your mortgage directly impacts the amount you will pay monthly. You can choose between a fixed, variable, or mixed rate. But what does each concept mean, how does it work, and how does it impact the credit?

11 Aug 20237 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage glossary -

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

What does it mean to consolidate credits?
Personal Consolidated Credit

What does it mean to consolidate credits?

The sudden loss of income or the increase in interest rates can lead to situations of default in the payment of credit installments. An option capable of providing immediate savings is credit consolidation. How does it work?

11 Aug 20234 min

Pre-approval of home loan: What comes next?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Pre-approval of home loan: What comes next?

The mortgage application process goes through several stages, starting with the submission of documents to the bank. Next, the bank needs to evaluate if the credit holders are eligible to proceed, and only then is the credit pre-approved. But what comes next?

11 Aug 20233 min

How to make an early repayment of my home loan?
Housing Credit Acquisition

How to make an early repayment of my home loan?

Paying off your home loan early can be a solution to reduce the monthly installment you pay for this burden. Find out how it works, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

11 Aug 20234 min