Related to: "Economy in Portugal should grow 1.3% this year"

Mulher sentada em chão com folhas espalhadas, calculadora, moedas, cartões e a abrir carteira vazia
Supports and subsidies

What are the priorities for the OE2025 pointed out?

The Minister of Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, explains that the priorities for the next State Budget will focus on reducing the tax burden and balancing public accounts.

26 Apr 20243 min

Luís Montenegro indigitado primeiro-ministro: Quais as medidas da AD para a economia?

Luís Montenegro indicated as Prime Minister: What are AD's measures for the economy?

The vote count is closed and Luís Montenegro, leader of the Democratic Alliance (DA), was appointed prime minister. In terms of the economy, what measures are planned by this coalition's program? Find out next.

22 Mar 20243 min

Taxa de inflação abranda para 1,5% em Portugal: Novos preços, novo orçamento?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate drops to 1.5% in Portugal: New prices, new budget?

Good news: The inflation rate in Portugal is starting to slow down. So, with the new prices, should we reorganize the budget?

22 Dec 20233 min

Taxa de inflação recua em dezembro: Saiba qual a média total de 2023
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Inflation rate drops in December: Find out the total average for 2023.

The inflation rate has dropped again, now to 1.4%. With this, it is now possible to finalize the average for the year 2023. Learn about the data involved and how to take advantage of this moment to review the budget.

10 Jan 20243 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro aumenta em dezembro
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Inflation rate in the euro area increases in December

After a downward cycle for seven months, the inflation rate in the Eurozone is now increasing again in December, according to Eurostat data. Understand what is at stake and how to ensure greater budget stability, in the face of the instability of the current economic situation.

12 Jan 20243 min

Taxa de poupança na zona euro aumenta, mas de investimento abranda
Mortgage Savings Credit

Savings rate in the eurozone increases, but investment rate slows down.

Eurostat data indicated that, in the third quarter of last year, families saved more, but did not invest as much. Get to know the numbers and find out how you can save with credit and insurance contracts.

18 Jan 20242 min

Ministério das Finanças realça que “taxa de inflação está no valor mais baixo dos últimos dois anos”
Mortgage Savings Credit

Ministry of Finance highlights that "inflation rate is at the lowest value in the last two years."

In a social network, the Ministry of Finance highlighted that the inflation rate recorded in December was the lowest in recent years. Understand it better, next.

19 Jan 20243 min

Famílias cada vez com mais créditos. O que fazer?
Personal Consolidated Credit

Families increasing their debts. What to do?

According to DECO Proteste, some families have 20 loans, with credit cards being the main cause. But how to ease this credit burden? Get to know the options next.

24 Jan 20244 min

Taxa de inflação na zona euro recua para 2,8% em janeiro
Mortgage Savings Credit

Inflation rate in the euro zone drops to 2.8% in January

The inflation rate in the eurozone continues to decrease, dropping from 2.9% in December 2023 to 2.8% in January 2024.

12 Feb 20242 min

Portugal é o segundo país a consumir menos energia: Sabe como poupar?
Mortgage Savings Credit

Portugal is the second country to consume less energy: Do you know how to save?

Did you know that Portugal is the second country where families consume the least energy? Understand what is at stake and how you can save energy, then.

09 Feb 20242 min

Crédito ao consumo cada vez mais contratado para fazer face a despesas
Personal Credit Emergencies

Consumer credit increasingly contracted to meet expenses, <URL>.

Data reveals that Portuguese people have been increasingly contracting consumer credits to cover their expenses, as well as for more frivolous costs.

09 Apr 20245 min

Duas pessoas sentadas numa mesa de madeira, na mesa estão alguns papéis um computador portátil. A imagem visa representar a análise de uma proposta de crédito
Housing Credit Acquisition

FINE: Know how to analyze a credit proposal

When buying a house with a housing loan, you may come across some terms that may seem confusing at first. If you have already started the process and the bank has given you a document called FINE, know its purpose and how to analyze it.

11 Aug 20234 min

Pessoa a calcular a taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Effort rate: What is this concept and how is it calculated?

The effort rate is one of the concepts in mortgage credit. In short, the effort rate assesses whether you have the ability to meet the installments of a loan. But what does this concept mean and how is it calculated?

11 Aug 20239 min

Crédito habitação: O que difere a TAN da TAEG?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit: What is the difference between APR and APRC?

When buying a house through a bank loan, you may come across a language associated with mortgage credit that is somewhat complex. Such as the abbreviations related to interest rates, TMR and APR. So, what do they mean and represent?

11 Aug 20234 min

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?

The interest rate you choose for your mortgage directly impacts the amount you will pay monthly. You can choose between a fixed, variable, or mixed rate. But what does each concept mean, how does it work, and how does it impact the credit?

11 Aug 20237 min