Related to: "Are you a landlord? Pay attention to reporting your rental income."

Sale of house: With or without real estate agency?
House for Sale

Sale of house: With or without real estate agency?

The process of selling a property can be complex, but with a real estate agency it becomes simplified. However, in addition to the numerous advantages, hiring a professional can have disadvantages, as we will see in this article.

18 Dec 20233 min

What is the best month to buy a house?
House Purchase

What is the best month to buy a house?

Are you looking to buy a house, but unsure about the right moment to proceed? Let's see, month by month, the best times to acquire a property.

11 Aug 20236 min

Parque das Nações: O bairro que cresceu com a Expo’98
House Purchase

Parque das Nações: The neighborhood that grew with Expo'98.

The Nations Park was a redeveloped area with the project of the World Exhibition, with its theme "The Oceans, a Heritage for the Future", focused on honoring the navigators of the Portuguese Discoveries. Since then, it has become a residential and urban reference area. Will it be the ideal place to settle down? Understand the history of this area, and what it has to offer to its residents.

10 Aug 20236 min

Poupança no Minuto: A aliada perfeita na intermediação de créditos e seguros
Credit intermediation

Savings in a Minute: The perfect ally in credit and insurance intermediation.

It's true: Savings in a Minute now has a blog! The credit intermediary and insurance mediator now complements its services with reliable information. But who is Savings, what sets it apart from other brands, what it believes in, and what it offers? That's what we will talk about in this article.

11 Aug 20234 min

Vistoria imobiliária: Como funciona e quando fazer?
House Purchase

Real estate inspection: How does it work and when to do it?

Are you going to buy or rent a house, but want to check the conservation status of the property first? Yes, you can do it! Through a real estate inspection. But how does this service work and when can you hire it?

22 Aug 20233 min

Ida para a Universidade: Onde encontrar a casa ideal?

Going to College: Where to find the ideal home?

Are you moving to a new city to study at the University, but don't know where to find the ideal house? Yes, there are many research sources and you may end up getting lost in what is reliable or not... So, let's see in this article all the platforms where you can search.

22 Aug 20233 min

Ida para a Universidade: Conheça o programa de arrendamento Porta 65 Jovem

Go to University: Get to know the Porta 65 Jovem rental program.

Living in another city to be able to study at your dream university can be costly. However, there are State programs in Portugal that allow for renting at a lower cost. An example is the Porta 65 rental program, aimed at young people.

16 Aug 20236 min

Crédito habitação para não residentes: “O intermediário ajudou-me a negociar com os bancos”
Home Loans for Non-Residents

Home loan for non-residents: "The intermediary helped me negotiate with the banks"

When it comes to housing credit for non-residents in Portugal, the process can seem confusing to foreigners. That's why we spoke with Kristen (fictional name), who explained how her process unfolded and the importance of seeking help from a real estate agency and, especially, a credit intermediary.

08 Sep 20233 min

Compra de casa: Como alterar a morada online?
House Purchase

Buying a house: How to change address online?

Acquiring a new property requires more than just moving: It is also necessary to deal with numerous bureaucracies. One of them is the change of address, for health, tax or electoral purposes. Don't know how to proceed with this procedure? Then, we will explain.

28 Sep 20235 min

Porquê comprar casa em São Vicente, Lisboa?
House Purchase

Why buy a house in São Vicente, Lisbon?

Are you looking for a house to buy in Lisbon? Get to know São Vicente, one of the parishes of the capital, located at the top and known for its viewpoints.

20 Oct 20234 min

Venda de casa: Como pedir a declaração de não dívida ao condomínio?
House for Sale

House sale: How to request a statement of no debt from the condominium?

When selling a property, it is necessary to gather various documents that are present in the deed. Recently, a declaration of condominium charges was added to this collection. But what is this declaration and what is its purpose?

15 Nov 20234 min

Como avançar com a proposta de compra de uma casa?
House Purchase

How to proceed with the house purchase proposal?

For the various stages of the home buying process, it is important to inform ourselves beforehand so that we can ensure that we acquire the right property. This is the case, for example, at the moment when we make the offer of the amount we want to give for the chosen house. How to decide what value to propose? And how to proceed with the proposal? Find out in this article.

20 Oct 20234 min

Será Campo de Ourique uma boa zona para morar?
House Purchase

Will Campo de Ourique be a good area to live?

When looking for a property to purchase in the capital, the options are vast. Therefore, it is necessary to know and evaluate several areas to choose the one that best suits your preferences and needs. Should Campo de Ourique be an option to consider? Get to know the Lisbon area, with some of the trendiest shops and restaurants, in this article.

25 Oct 20234 min

Morar na Abrunheira: Conheça esta zona tranquila de Sintra
House Purchase

Living in Abrunheira: Get to know this peaceful area of Sintra.

Looking for a property to buy in a peaceful area, while staying close to everything? Abrunheira may be the perfect place for you... Discover the benefits of living in the parish of Sintra.

20 Oct 20234 min

Divórcio e crédito habitação: Como funciona?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Divorce and home loan: How does it work?

The impact of a divorce on a mortgage depends on the property regime chosen by the couple during marriage. There are three regimes, each affecting the divorce process and house financing differently. Let's see how it works.

02 Nov 20235 min