Related to: "Crédito habitação: 74% dos novos empréstimos contratados com taxa mista "

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage Credit: Fixed, mixed or variable interest rate?

The interest rate you choose for your mortgage directly impacts the amount you will pay monthly. You can choose between a fixed, variable, or mixed rate. But what does each concept mean, how does it work, and how does it impact the credit?

11 Aug 20237 min

Glossário do crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage glossary -

Are you going to apply for a mortgage to buy your home? Know that, throughout the process, you may come across expressions that can be confusing. We have prepared a glossary about mortgage credit to help you know everything.

11 Aug 202310 min

Discover all fees associated with mortgage credit.
Housing Credit Acquisition

Discover all fees associated with mortgage credit.

The fees associated with mortgage credit depend primarily on the type of interest rate you choose. Therefore, let's see what rate regimes exist, the impact of each one, and where you can analyze the cost of interest in the credit proposal.

08 Sep 20236 min

Posso fixar a taxa do meu crédito habitação?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Can I fix the rate on my home credit?

Are you considering options to lower your monthly mortgage payment? Fixing the interest rate may be a solution. Let's see in this article what it means to fix the mortgage rate, how to do it, and what the impact is.

11 Aug 20234 min

Taxas de juro vão continuar a subir? Saiba o que fazer ao seu crédito habitação
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Interest rates will continue to rise? Find out what to do with your housing credit.

At the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in Marrakech, Morocco, the chief economist predicted the continuation of high interest rates, which could "push the poorest countries into bankruptcy". But what to do in the face of the continuous rise in interest rates, if you have a home loan?

26 Oct 20234 min

Crédito habitação: BPI considera que só deve fixar a prestação quem tem dificuldades
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Home loan: BPI believes that only those with difficulties should fix the installment.

Based on a news article released by Notícias ao Minuto, João Pedro Oliveira e Costa, president of BPI (partner bank of Poupança no Minuto), believes that only families in difficulty should join the fixed monthly installment regime for housing credit - a government support measure. Let's see why.

06 Nov 20235 min

Medida para fixar a prestação da casa? BdP alerta para o acréscimo de juros
Housing Credit Acquisition

Measure to fix the installment of the house? BdP warns of an increase in interest rates.

One of the measures taken by the Government to support Portuguese families with their home loans involves freezing the monthly installment at a fixed value for two years. However, the differential amount will have to be repaid...with interest, as warned by the Bank of Portugal.

06 Nov 20233 min

Quanto pode subir a minha prestação da casa em novembro?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

How much can my house installment go up in November?

The Euribor rates have risen again in October, which will now be reflected in the monthly installments of Portuguese home loans. See how much it can increase and learn a way to avoid the hike.

06 Nov 20233 min

Taxas de juro sem descer: Como evitar o impacto?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Interest rates without falling: How to avoid the impact?

Interest rates are expected to remain at the high levels they are now until inflation drops to the desired target of 2% - says Jerome Powell, chairman of the Federal Reserve. Find out what to do to avoid the impact.

14 Nov 20233 min

Crédito habitação: Mais de metade dos novos contratos foram com taxa mista
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgages: More than half of new contracts were with mixed rates.

The mixed rate has been an interest regime that the Portuguese have very much adhered to when contracting a housing loan, as now confirmed by the Bank of Portugal. Find out why in this article.

14 Nov 20233 min

Fixar prestação da casa: Banco pode analisar a sua capacidade financeira
Housing Credit Acquisition

House installment fix: Bank can analyze your financial capability.

Do you want to fix the installment of your mortgage with the government measure? Your bank may request additional data before sending you the plan. Find out what it is, and if there is another way to fix your installment, then.

22 Nov 20233 min

Estive ao abrigo do PARI. Posso fixar a prestação da casa?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

I was under the PARI. Can I fix the house payment?

The issue arises within the scope of the legislation of the new Government measure to support the Portuguese with their home loans, fixing and lowering the monthly amounts. Find out if you have already been or are currently under the PARI program with your mortgage, you can join the support in question.

21 Nov 20234 min

Taxas de juro: “Será dado tempo para ver o seu efeito na economia”
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Interest rates: "Time will be given to see their effect on the economy"

At an event in Berlin, the President of the European Central Bank (ECB) had the opportunity to speak about the current state of interest rates. Stating that "it is not yet time to proclaim victory," she explains that we are now in a phase of unchanging rates, in order to give "some time to see its effect on the economy".

05 Dec 20233 min

Portugueses consideram que nível de vida vai piorar: Como se precaver?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

Portuguese citizens believe the standard of living will worsen: How to prepare?

According to Eurobarometer, 83% of the Portuguese respondents believe that their standard of living will worsen by 2024. So, how can one protect themselves from this prediction if they have insurance and loans?

03 Jan 20243 min

Prestação da casa indexada à Euribor a três meses descerá em dezembro e janeiro
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

House installment linked to 3-month Euribor will decrease in December and January.

For those who have contracted the three-month Euribor on their variable rate mortgage, in December and January they will begin to feel a slight reduction in the monthly installment they pay. This is because interest rates have already reached the maximum limit. Understand better when each term begins to impact the house payment.

27 Dec 20233 min