Want to attract money? Place affirmations under the pillow to manifest.
Want to attract (a lot of) money by putting it under the pillow? Why not trust in luck and the power of manifestation? It's worth a try... Find out what we're talking about.
Put this under the pillow and watch your wallet fill up.
The concept is called manifestation and aims to "release" to the Universe what we want to attract.
For this, Informe Brasil, according to Notícias ao Minuto, explains that we should write positive phrases to use the law of attraction to our advantage.
If you want to attract money, you should then put phrases such as, for example, “I am very grateful for money coming to me”.
Nothing is lost and it is a creative way to start building and adopting positive measures for those who are already working towards this.
So, if you want to attract (a lot of) money into your life, start putting short and positive phrases under your pillow.
Manifestation has been a growing topic and part of the idea that our thoughts guide our actions and can attract and bring into reality what we dream most about. It is a complementary way to achieve our goals.
Want to attract money in the short term? Credit intermediaries and insurance mediators from Poupança no Minuto can help you with financial solutions that reduce the costs you currently pay for these products. Get in touch with us and start treating savings as "you"!