Quais as diferenças entre taxa fixa e variável? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

What are the differences between fixed and variable rates? | Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro.

Stay tuned for this new section Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finances.

16 Sep 20241 min

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September brings a special edition of the section Tips for Saving, in partnership with Financial Educator Gonçalo Malheiro. The series will bring 4 new videos throughout the month, with a lot to learn.

The first is clear: It clarifies the difference between fixed rate and variable rate . Simply put, Gonçalo explains how mortgage interest rates affect how we repay the loan to the bank.

Through a brief explanation about tax regimes, it is possible to understand the impact that each one has on financing, in order to make a more informed and cost-saving choice!

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