What happens if the IRS refund is less than 10 euros?
The Tax Authority clarifies that if your IRS refund is less than 10 euros, you will not receive it. Understand better next.
A 10 euro threshold is the minimum for qualifying for an IRS refund.
If you receive an IRS refund of less than 10 euros, don't be surprised if you don't receive any amount.
The Finance Portal explains that, if applicable, there is no right to a refund, since the minimum limit for entitlement is at that same level.
"There is no place for a refund when, due to settlement, even if additional, reform or settlement, the amount to be refunded is less than 10 euros," as stated in the Portal das Finanças.
This is because taxpayers are only entitled to an IRS refund in situations "where the tax paid by withholding or advance payment is higher than the final tax due".
Note that the first refunds have already started to be deposited into taxpayers' accounts, maintaining the deadline seen in recent years, of around two weeks for reimbursement - or issuance of the payment notice - of the amount.
Also complies with the deadline set by the Tax Authority (AT), of 15 to 17 days for refunds.
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