Já recebeu o salário? Recorde o método de gestão dos rendimentos 50/30/20

Have you received your salary? Remember the 50/30/20 income management method.

If you have already received this month's salary, pay attention to this rule that you can start applying to your monthly income in order to save.

04 Mar 20252 min

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Start managing your income using the 50/30/20 method.

When receiving the monthly salary, managing money can be a challenge with fixed expenses and others that arise. However, there are methods that aim to help with monthly organization, such as the 50/30/20 method.

This is a method that "helps manage the family budget efficiently, simply, and sustainably", according to the website Ei - Educação e Informação da Associação Mutualista Montepio, quoted in Notícias ao Minuto.

The basic principle of the 50/30/20 rule is to distribute net income among three categories of expenses: needs, wants, and savings (or debt repayment), as also stated.

We will see how the division of monthly income is done through this method.

Needs: 50% of income - "This category includes all essential expenses, that is, those that are essential to live. Here are some examples: rent or mortgage payments, transportation costs, car loan payments, insurance premiums, grocery shopping, and utility bills for electricity, gas, water, and telecommunications."

Wishes: 30% of income - "Here are all the superfluous expenses, that is, expenses that are not essential but make life more pleasant. These expenses include: meals outside the home, non-essential clothing, cultural activities, monthly subscriptions (gym and Netflix, for example), and vacations".

Savings or debt repayment: 20% of income - "This portion of income is intended for savings (for example, to safeguard retirement or children's education or create an emergency fund), investment, and debt repayment."

This rule 50/30/20 emerged, for the first time, in the book All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan (2005), authored by American senator Elizabeth Warren and her daughter, Amelia Warren Tyagi.

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