Creche gratuita no privado? Saiba em que casos pode recorrer

Free daycare in private? Find out in which cases you can apply.

There are specific situations where you can use free private sector nurseries. Find out which ones.

23 Aug 20241 min

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Is it possible to access free daycare in the private sector? Find out if yes and how.

The possibility of accessing free nurseries for all children up to three years old stems from a measure announced in 2022, initially covering only the public, social, and solidarity sectors.

In January of 2023 it also began to cover private institutions, and in December of the same year, the day-care centers of local authorities, public higher education institutions or public sector companies, in addition to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa.

The expansion of the measure aims to combat the shortage of vacancies in the social and solidarity sector. But who can access? 

According to a publication by the Government on its Instagram account, it is explained that vacancies in the private sector only open when "there are no vacancies left in the social and solidarity sector, at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa, in the parish of residence or parents' workplace".

To access the program, you must install the Creche Feliz application, select the desired nursery, request free access, and then enter the code provided by the nursery in question. You will receive a response from Social Security afterward.

Learn all about the Creche Feliz program here.

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