Need to save? This challenge allows you to save almost 6 thousand euros per year.
Have you heard of the 1 euro savings challenge? At the end of a year, you can amass a significant amount! Find out how.
This savings challenge will allow you to save almost 6 thousand euros annually.
The holidays are over and need to recover the accounts of the monthly budget and savings habits? Pay attention to this challenge: starts with 1 euro and progressively increases through the days of the week.
This strategy is similar to others, but it will help you to accumulate a considerable amount by the end of the year.
The challenge is shared by La Informacion Economica, in Notícias ao Minuto, titled "progressive technique of 1 euro."
In the end, it establishes that on the first day of the week start saving 1 euro, on the second, two euros, and so on for the rest of the week, in periods of 7 days.
"So, on Monday you save 1 euro, on Tuesday 2, on Wednesday 3 euros, and so on until you reach 7 euros on Sunday. In total, every week you will save 28 euros, which means about 112 euros per month and a total of 1,456 euros per year," can be read."
If you want to be more ambitious and save a higher amount, you can also extend the challenge to a monthly period of 30/31 days, which will result in saving around 5,700 euros at the end of the year.
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