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Is 3-day absences due to online self-reporting paid?

Workers can justify up to two absences per year due to illness through self-declaration.

06 Mar 20252 min

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If I submit a self-declaration for 3 days sick leave, will I still get paid?

Currently, short-term medical absences, up to three days, can be justified without the need for a doctor's appointment, just by issuing a self-declaration on the SNS 24 portal, on the respective application, or through the Health 24 line.  

However, DECO PROTeste reminds in an article that this justification can only be used twice a year and that these absences are not paid.

How does self-declaration of illness work?  

"The legislation establishes that each worker can present, at most, two annual justifications issued by SNS 24. Each of these can cover up to three consecutive days of absence. In total, a worker can justify up to six days of absence per year through this system," explains the consumer advocacy organization.

Are justified absences with self-declaration paid?  

"The answer is no. Just like with sick leaves of up to three days, absences justified based on self-declaration from SNS 24 do not entitle to sickness benefit. However, some companies choose to ensure salary payment in these cases. The decision to pay for these absences rests solely with the employer," explains DECO PROTeste.

How to notify the employer?  

To inform the company about the absence due to illness, it is necessary to provide the access code received by SMS or email after issuing the self-declaration on the SNS 24 portal.

The employer can confirm the authenticity of the document through the validation platform of the self-declaration, available on the SNS 24 portal, states DECO PROTeste.

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