Dia Mundial da Poupança: 5 formas criativas de poupar

World Savings Day: 5 creative ways to save money

On this World Savings Day, it is important to remember the importance of saving and financial management. Pay attention to these creative ways to start saving.

30 Oct 20242 min

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5 creative methods to save money on this World Savings Day

Today, on October 31st, World Savings Day is celebrated and we bring you 5 creative ways to save.  

Because savings don't need to be complex or boring, there are certain methods that can make the process more motivating.

Now take a look at these 5 strategies:

1. Jar of Happiness: Every time you do something that makes you feel joyful - whether it's spending time with friends, enjoying a good book, or achieving a small goal - put a coin or note into the jar;

2. Change box: Collect all coins received as change. At the end of the month, count and deposit them into a savings account.  

3. Day with no expenses: Choose a day of the week to not spend anything. Throughout the month, put the money you saved in an emergency fund;

4. Sale of products: Reviewing your clothing and other products that you no longer use to sell online can result in a high monetary return;  

5. Meals with friends at home: To get together with friends, you don't need to eat out! You can take turns hosting meals at each other's houses, sharing the responsibility of cooking, and significantly reducing the costs of these social events.    

These creative methods not only help to save money, but also make the process more fun and rewarding. Try these saving tips and see how small strategies can make a big difference in your long-term finances!

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