Discover this simple tip to avoid food waste at home.
Pay attention to this easy trick to reduce food waste in your home.
Say no to food waste and implement this tip.
Putting only food on the shelves of the refrigerator without criteria may not be the best solution. This can cause food close to the expiration date to be hidden and forgotten. Therefore, organizing the refrigerator in a practical way can make all the difference.
The HouseDigest website, as read in Notícias ao Minuto, suggests a practical tip for organizing food in the fridge: place the oldest and most easily spoiled products at the front and center of the shelves.
Another suggestion is to dedicate a shelf or a specific area for foods that are almost reaching their expiration date. This way, it will be easier to identify and consume them first. Ideally, choose a shelf at eye level or that is visible when opening the refrigerator.
To make the organization even more effective, place tags with the date on products, especially on leftovers from meals you bring from restaurants or in food you prepared recently.
Following these suggestions, you will be able to organize the refrigerator more efficiently and avoid food waste at home!
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