Como poupar dinheiro ao investir no mercado imobiliário? | Dicas para poupar com Gonçalo Malheiro

How to save money when investing in the real estate market? | Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro

Stay tuned for this new column "Tips for saving with Gonçalo Malheiro, Financial Educator and creator of digital content related to finances.

30 Sep 20241 min

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The special column Tips for Saving, for the month of September, in partnership with Financial Educator Gonçalo Malheiro, brings us the fourth and final video, now focusing on the real estate market.

What are the errors to avoid when investing in the real estate market, in order to save money? Gonçalo will now explain:

Save money with home loans? Save yourself from the boring part, and let the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto find the best solution for you, at no cost. Ensure constant support in this process, so you have no doubts and can save! Simulate now: 


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