Calendário fiscal do IRS: As datas que ainda deve apontar

IRS tax calendar: The dates you still need to note down

Every year, the annual IRS statement must be submitted between April and June, but there are other dates to pay attention to. Mark the following dates on your agenda.

22 Feb 20243 min

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IRS: The dates you still need to mark on the agenda  

To avoid penalties, you must follow some steps before and after, as we will see in this IRS tax calendar:  

In February

In February, you still need to pay attention to the following date: February 26. This is the deadline to validate pending invoices on your e-Fatura portal (using the same access data as the Portal das Finanças).

For this, you need to place the right category in each pending invoice, so you can maximize the refund you have to receive or reduce the amount you have to pay in IRS.

To learn how to validate your invoices step by step, access the guide we have prepared for you at

Remember that the limit for deductions is divided as follows: 35% for general and family expenses up to 250 euros (45% and up to 335 euros for single-parent families); 15% for health expenses up to 1,000 euros; 30% for training and education expenses up to 800 euros (up to 1,000 euros for students under 25 years old living more than 50 kilometers away from the family residence); 15% for property expenses up to 502 euros in rent or up to 296 euros in interest on loans taken out by the end of 2011), and 25% for household expenses up to 403.75 euros.  

The invoices in question are those requested by the taxpayer (NIF - Tax Identification Number), of themselves and, if applicable, of their dependents, which must also be validated in the respective e-Invoice platform.

In March

From March 16 you will be able to check the value of deductions on your Finance Portal, from invoices that were already pending in e-Fatura, as well as invoices for rent, tuition fees, mortgage credit, among others.  

At this time, you should check for calculation errors in expenses, then have until March 31 to file a claim.  

You can also allocate 0.5% of your IRS value and indicate the entity to which you want to direct this amount until March 31st. This step is not mandatory by this date, you can still choose the entity when submitting your income statement.

In April, until June

From April to June you can then submit your annual IRS statement for the income of 2023.

If you can do automatic income tax return, it will be easier, but always confirm beforehand if the information is correct before submitting.

If delivered earlier, you will receive the refund faster, but in the first 15 days it is advisable not to do so as there may be system errors or mistakes in tax calculation.

In July

In the month of July, you receive, without fail, the refund of the IRS - if you are entitled to it. By July 31st, you will receive the payment, as well as the assessment notice where you can check the calculations.  

In August

The latest deadline you need to be aware of is August 31, for those who need to pay taxes. But if you submitted the declaration after the maximum deadline, the limit for payment is December 31.  

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