Black Friday: 3 tips to make the most out
Black Friday is approaching and it is important to inform yourself beforehand about savings tips, but also to be alert so you are not deceived as a consumer. So, check out 3 tips to make the most of the discounts on the next November 24th.
Save on credits and/or insurance? It's also possible! Contact the credit intermediaries/insurance mediators of Poupança no Minuto and find out how. Or first read how to save on Black Friday next.
Budget and list must be intrinsic steps
When it comes to shopping consciously, the first step should always be identifying the needs and budgeting for them.
If you go shopping without knowing what you're looking for and the maximum amount you can spend, it's easier to get lost, bring non-essential products, and spend (unnecessarily) more money.
So, start by understanding what is missing and is essential, that you can take advantage of to buy at reduced prices on Black Friday, and, depending on the type of pieces, establish the financial limit that you can reach with these purchases.
Another step that can help you save money is to bring your own bags when shopping: currently, store bags have an additional cost, so instead of having to pay that extra amount for each purchase, you can prepare in advance.
Beware of "fake" discounts
“You must be attentive and think carefully before making a purchase decision. In some cases, prices were lower in the same store just a few days before the campaigns started,” the warning is given by Deco Proteste, according to a news shared by Notícias ao Minuto.”
The consumer defense organization explains that there are products that, less than a month ago, were priced cheaper than now. Some stores are deliberately increasing the cost of the products to encourage a "fake" higher discount on Black Friday, using "the use of a supposed recommended retail price by the manufacturer (RRP), along with the price practiced by the store, with or without a savings percentage" as an excuse.
Therefore, Deco Proteste recommends that consumers should be alert, as "some of the stores visited on November 2, during the pre-Black Friday campaigns, were using a form of comparative communication that does not comply with what the law provides in sales with price reduction".
Compare prices through the product's history
In order to understand if the values indicated in the products have been inflated before the discount, and if they are a good deal, Deco Proteste states that price comparison tools should be used.
If possible, this comparison should be made against my products in other stores, but also on the same product within the same store, historically.
For this, the organization has developed a tool that "helps to understand if the discounts advertised during periods like Black Friday or Cyber Monday are good buying opportunities", since it "tracks the evolution of product prices in online stores, to advise whether to make the purchase or not", as stated in a post shared by Notícias ao Minuto.
By using this tool, you should search for the store name and the product name, or just paste the product link from the online store. Then, the tool analyzes the result, which results in a traffic light that will tell you the color and meaning of purchasing that product (based on the price history of the last 21 days):
If you have a green result, the business is good based on the analyzed price history; if it is yellow, the products are not significantly different in price compared to the previous 21 days, and in case of red, the organization advises against buying, as the product has been priced lower than the current one.
These are some tips so you can make the most of, focused on savings and without scams, the day of the year with the highest discounts!
But if you still want to save on credits and/or insurance, we can help. Contact Poupança no Minuto, so that credit intermediaries/insurance intermediaries can explain the available options and whether they can apply to your specific case.