Posso contratar um seguro online?

Can I hire insurance online?

Hiring insurance online is possible, but has its advantages and disadvantages. It is necessary to pay attention to some issues when subscribing to this product digitally. For that, you can also ask for help from an insurance mediator.

13 Dec 20233 min

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Is it possible to hire insurance online?

To hire insurance, just search for the specific product you are looking for, such as health insurance, and fill in the conditions you are looking for through simulations on insurance companies' websites. These simulations result, after filling in all the data, in concrete values based on the conditions you have set.

Through the different simulations, you can choose one, and from there, to proceed, simply contact the insurance company in question, sign the contract - which can also be sent digitally - and make the first payment through the method you prefer (bank transfer, credit card, multibanco reference, among others).  

But do you know what are the advantages and disadvantages of hiring insurance online?  

Hiring insurance digitally: Yes or no?

If you need quick insurance, accessing the digital format can be the solution. But be careful! Due to the ease of accessing these products nowadays, it is also easy to fall for false proposals, find dubious information (the famous small print), lack of payment receipts or signature on the final contract.

So, first pay attention to the accuracy of the offer, as it may be a phishing scam to access your banking information. Clicking on a link from a fraudulent offer could be the first step for someone to access your private information.  

In order to verify if the proposal and insurance company are real, call the contacts provided by them beforehand. If you cannot find the official contacts of the insurance company, or if any contact information is incongruent, be aware that this is another warning sign!  

Afterwards, after paying the premium, make sure the insurance entity sends you the payment receipt, as if it doesn't, it's another sign that you should be suspicious. You can even confirm beforehand, before payment, with the insurer if they will send you the receipt.

Finally, you should also check in the policy document that will be sent to you, if, next to the place for your signature, there is a signature of an authorized collaborator of the insurer.  

If this signature does not exist, you can proceed with a complaint to the insurer: just as you can do if they sign for you, always sign so you don't fall into a fraudulent scheme.

By taking all these precautions, hiring insurance online can be very advantageous. This is because you can access more affordable prices and it is more practical in terms of convenience and comparing proposals.

Purchase online insurance with a mediator  

Hiring insurance digitally, without falling into frauds and taking all precautions, can be easier if you turn to an insurance mediator like Poupança no Minuto.

With a mediator by your side, you have close, personalized support that guides you through the care you should pay attention to.  

Through experience in the market, the mediator can help you verify the authenticity of the proposals, compare them, and choose the best conditions for you. This guides you in the choice of coverages that will best meet your needs.

This is a free service that can make all the difference so you won't be cheated, and so you can access the cheapest insurance proposal, and (essentially) most suitable for you. Contact Poupança no Minuto and get your insurance now!


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