Rendas inalteradas nos últimos anos podem subir até 11% em 2025

Unchanged rents in recent years could increase by up to 11% in 2025.

In 2025, rents can increase up to 2.16%, but if the landlord has not updated the rent in the past three years, they can apply the updating coefficients from those years resulting in an increase of 11.1%.

30 Oct 20242 min

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Incomes that have not been touched in recent years may now have an increase of 11.1%  

According to the average inflation disclosed by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), as read on Notícias ao Minuto, rents in 2025 could increase by 2.16%. However, for unchanged rents, if the landlord chooses to accumulate the coefficients from the previous three years, the increase could reach 11.1%.

This increase of 2.16% is significantly lower than that of 2024, which was 6.94%, the highest in the last 30 years, a consequence of high inflation. It is worth remembering that in 2023, the Government had limited the increase to 2%, avoiding a rise of 5.43%.

For an income of 850 euros, a 2.16% increase would represent an increase of about 18.36 euros. However, if the landlord decides to apply the accumulated coefficients from the last three years, the increase may be higher. For example, in the same rent of 850 euros, the increase would be 97.20 euros, resulting in a new rent of 947.20 euros.

Legislation allows the landlord to update the rent based on coefficients from up to three previous years, if not done before. With the Mais Habitação law, even rents prior to 1990 can be updated using the inflation coefficient, which for 2025 is 2.16%, as long as more than 12 months have passed since the last update.

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