Preços das casas estabilizam, mas valor das rendas sobe 39% este ano

House prices stabilize, but rents increase by 39% this year.

The cost to buy and rent a home has significantly increased compared to November 2022. However, the prices of homes for sale have been stabilizing, while rental prices continue to rise. Understand these data better, by following the link.

13 Dec 20233 min

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Looking for a house to buy or rent? The real estate agency Casa no Minuto could be the key... and deliver it to you. And in case of help with mortgage financing, the credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto are also here for you. But understand the values ​​at stake.

Buy or rent? Know the cost variation compared to 2022.

If renting a house is on your plans, know that prices have seen a considerable increase this year. Compared to a year ago, renting a house now costs 39% more than the rates from November 2022.

In terms of average income, this represents an increase of 350 euros, according to data from Imovirtual, quoted by Notícias ao Minuto.

"In relation to the average value of properties for rent, there is a 39% increase in the average income, being 350 euros more expensive compared to the same period last year," the news reads.

Although "a slight stabilization of average values" is being observed, in November "an increase (+4%) can be verified, now standing at €1,250".

Regarding buying a house, house prices have also risen from one year to the next, but in a milder way. "In general, buying a house continues to be about €26,000 more expensive than in November of last year. As for the average selling price, there was a slight increase in November compared to October (+5%), reaching €315,000. Compared to the same period in 2022, which saw an average selling price of €289,000, there is an increase of +9%, with houses becoming almost twenty-six thousand euros more expensive," as the article quotes.  

Despite the general increase in all typologies, "T0 and T3 houses are the typologies that have seen the largest price increase (+33% and 32%, respectively), when compared to 2022 values."

So, unlike the price of houses to buy, which has been stabilizing, the same has not been observed with the rent of the house.

Buy or rent with the help of a real estate agency  

Want to buy or rent a house in the near future? A real estate agency, such as Casa no Minuto, can search for the right property for you, based on your preferences and financial capacity.

In addition, the consultants will assist you throughout the entire acquisition or lease of the property, guiding you through the stages, from bureaucracy to the signing of the final contract.  

In case you need financing to buy or rent a property, you can also access the services of a credit intermediary, such as those from Poupança no Minuto.

For this, you must know that: They are services that have no costs, mediate all communication with banks, handle documentation, and even help you analyze various proposals and choose the most suitable for you!


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