Purchase of a house: 8 municipalities in Lisbon among the most sought.
Houses for purchase were most sought after in the districts of Lisbon, especially Odivelas, Oeiras, Amadora, Lisbon, Vila Franca de Xira, Torres Vedras, Loures, and Sintra.
Want to buy a house in 2024? Contact us: The real estate agency Casa no Minuto finds your property, and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto the best financing proposal. Or understand the data in question beforehand.
Buying a house more evident in Lisbon in the 4th quarter of 2023
Data from Idealista, shared by Notícias ao Minuto, indicate that 8 out of the 10 municipalities in the district of Lisbon are among the most sought after to buy a house.
"Odivelas, Oeiras, Amadora, Lisbon, Vila Franca de Xira, Torres Vedras, Loures, and Sintra are the most sought-after municipalities on the platform, ahead of Almada (Setúbal) and Santarém, according to platform data," the news reads.
In terms of prices, it was found that the highest median values in the fourth quarter of 2023 were in the districts of Lisbon and Faro. In Lisbon, Cascais led with 1,002,866 euros, followed by Lagoa with 683,251 euros, Oeiras with 615,589 euros, and Albufeira with 552,002 euros.
Buy a house with our help in 2024.
Since the demand for a house in Lisbon has been more evident, it can be more challenging to find the perfect property in this district.
In this sense, you can ask for help from a real estate agency, such as Casa no Minuto, to assist you in the search and acquisition process. In addition to mediating all communication with sellers, they clarify doubts, handle bureaucracy, and provide close and personalized support.
Also, if you need a home loan to buy a house, the credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto offer a free service that collects various proposals from different banks and helps you analyze the conditions to choose the ones that are ideal for you! Contact us and buy your house with your home loan through a simple and uncomplicated process.