Aumento da renda implica um aviso com antecedência de 30 dias

Increased income implies a 30-day advance notice.

If you have not received any notice yet, your rent will not increase shortly. Note: the landlord needs to give 30 days notice in advance. Understand better, next.  

05 Jan 20242 min

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If you are thinking of renting or buying a house in 2024, you can contact the real estate agency Casa no Minuto, and the credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto for mortgage financing. But first, read the relevant legislation regarding the notice period in rent updates.

House for rent, note that a 30-day notice is required for rent increase.

If you have a rented house and the landlord is going to increase the monthly rent you pay, don't worry: A 30-day advance notice is required, with the new rental value.

The rules are clear in Portuguese law and involve that, in the rent updates, landlords must comply with notice periods to tenants.

In addition, communication must be made by registered letter, as reminded by DECO Proteste to Notícias ao Minuto.  

"They should preferably do so in writing, by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt", or "alternatively, they can deliver the communication in person, against the tenant's signature".

What should the letter mention?

DECO explains: "The letter must mention the current value of the rent and the amount resulting from the application of the planned increase."

In this case, 30 days' advance notice is required to notify the tenant about the update with a letter.  

So, "landlords who want to update the rent value according to the coefficient defined by law must communicate this intention to tenants with 30 days in advance," concludes DECO cited in the news. 

Want to buy the property you are renting? Talk to the real estate consultants at Casa no Minuto! They search for your ideal property and help you with the entire acquisition process, just like the credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto, if you need a home loan!


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