Quais as profissões mais bem pagas em Portugal em 2024?

What are the highest paying professions in Portugal in 2024?

According to data released by ManpowerGroup, find out which are the most sought-after and best-paid professions in Portugal, currently.

23 Jan 20249 min

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Need to increase your budget? If you have credit and insurance contracts, know that it is possible to renegotiate their conditions or even transfer them to new entities. Talk to the credit intermediaries and insurance mediators at Poupança no Minuto and find out how we can help you. But first, learn about the professions in which it is most worthwhile to invest in Portugal in 2024.

Discover the list of the highest paid professions currently.

The data is from ManpowerGroup, cited by Notícias ao Minuto's publication, demonstrate that "in a context where the labor market is marked by profound changes, accelerated by digital transformation and the construction of new business models, the demand for qualified talent, capable of supporting companies in responding to market challenges, is increasing".  

The statement was released by the group on the news site, in order to highlight "the importance of remuneration in attracting and retaining talent in companies".

Therefore, if you are looking for a job, or in the process of choosing the area in which you want to invest, in 2024, observe the following list according to the annual values received:  

General Director of Industry/Services Sectors (€110,000 - €130,000/year)  

"The General Director of Industry and Services Sectors is the main executive responsible for leading and overseeing all operations and strategic aspects of a company in the industry or services sectors. They are responsible for making strategic decisions that directly affect the performance and direction of the company. They lead the executive team, set organizational goals, and ensure the effective execution of initiatives. They are expected to demonstrate a combination of leadership ability, strategic vision, assertive decision-making, and effective communication skills. Other essential characteristics for success in this role include the potential to adapt the organization to a constantly changing environment and a continuous search for innovation."

2. Industrial Director (€90,000 - €130,000/year)

The Industrial Director plays a crucial role in managing a production facility, overseeing all operations from production to procurement and maintenance, while ensuring that policies and procedures are followed to ensure quality, safety, and efficiency. Their responsibilities range from team management to facility and equipment maintenance, requiring skills that go beyond operational technical knowledge. The seniority of this role requires experience in managing industrial units, people management skills, as well as knowledge of financial and operational management principles. An engineering background is also essential, however, due to the significant influence of technological evolution in the industry, it is expected that these professionals will seek to acquire new knowledge throughout their careers. Financial management

3. Purchasing Director (€80,000 - €120,000/year)

"The Purchasing Director is responsible for planning and controlling the acquisition of machinery, equipment, and materials for the organization, aligning them with the policies and needs of the companies. His responsibilities also include managing processes, such as hiring new suppliers, and implementing negotiation strategies to obtain the best conditions, covering delivery times and payment terms, among other factors. In addition, he takes on the task of monitoring key metrics to reduce expenses and improve the operational efficiency of the company. This professional, of significant importance in the organization, is required to have not only vast experience in optimizing profitability through the purchasing process, but also skills such as problem-solving, resilience, negotiation ability, and communication."

4. Chief Financial Officer (€90,000 - €100,000/year)

The Chief Financial Officer is the senior executive responsible for overseeing and managing the financial operations of an organization. Their role is crucial for the financial health and long-term success of the company. This professional plays a strategic role in financial decision-making, actively participating in the planning and implementation of strategies aimed at the sustainable growth of the company. They are also responsible for managing budgets, analyzing investments, coordinating the preparation of financial reports, and ensuring compliance with regulations. In addition to having a background in finance or accounting, the Chief Financial Officer must demonstrate analytical skills, strategic vision, and deep knowledge of the economic and market ecosystem. The ability to communicate financial information clearly and effectively is crucial, as well as the aptitude to lead teams and collaborate with other sectors of the company. Experience in the position is highly valued, and with financial areas under scrutiny from shareholders, their ability to balance results and efficiently manage accounts and performance becomes essential.

Commercial Director (€75,000 - €100,000/year)

"The Commercial Director is responsible for driving revenue growth and maximizing the business results of a company. Their role is crucial in the development and execution of effective sales strategies. They oversee sales teams, set sales goals, and implement strategies to achieve those objectives. They also play a crucial role in identifying market opportunities, developing strategic partnerships, and expanding the customer base. In addition to these functions, they must demonstrate effective leadership, negotiation, and communication skills."

DevOps Engineer (€60,00 - €100.000/ year)

DevOps is a set of practices and processes aimed at accelerating and automating aspects of the development, testing, and release processes of software, websites, and applications, enabling continuous delivery and security updates. A DevOps professional's main role is to facilitate collaboration and integration between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams in an Information Technology organization, contributing to creating a fluid and efficient work environment, promoting continuous delivery of high-quality software. The DevOps engineer is an IT generalist who must have extensive knowledge of development and operations, including programming, infrastructure management, system administration, and DevOps tools. They must also prevent errors and detect problems by maximizing automation and continuously monitoring software performance.

7. SAP Consultants (€45,000 - €90,000/year)

"A SAP consultant is a professional responsible for providing support to companies and organizations throughout the implementation and use process of the management software developed by SAP. Due to the complexity of this solution and the multitude of functions it offers - especially in areas such as operations management, production, accounting, human resources, among others - its implementation and use require guidance from a properly qualified professional. The SAP consultant must therefore have experience with programming and software development, and knowledge in areas such as business management, finances and accounting, to better understand the client's needs and recommend suitable solutions. Their role also involves empowering employees to use the system."

8. Cybersecurity Specialists (€40,000 - €90,000/year)

"A cybersecurity expert ensures the implementation of programs aimed at protecting an organization's systems, networks, and data against cyber attacks, monitoring systems and networks, and constantly assessing possible vulnerabilities and their impacts. This professional is responsible for ensuring that best practices are adopted, through technical security measures such as configuring firewalls, antivirus, managing and monitoring access, conducting vulnerability tests, among others. Additionally, they must also manage any security incidents, removing threats and implementing measures to prevent future incidents."

9. Cloud Architect (€60,000 - €85,000/year)

"The Cloud Architect is responsible for managing and maintaining an organization's cloud computing system. They must develop and implement cloud strategies, evaluate applications and hardware, and ensure the effective operation of cloud systems. This professional assesses and selects cloud service providers, establishes best practices for cloud adoption, and works with IT teams to monitor cloud privacy and resolve technical issues. They must also train organization teams on the best way to use the necessary applications."

10.  Software Engineers (42.000€ - 75.000€ per year)  

Software Engineers are professionals with in-depth knowledge in programming languages, software development, and operating systems that apply engineering principles to create software. These professionals use programming languages, platforms, and architectures to develop everything from computer games to network control systems. In addition to creating their own systems, software engineers also test, improve, and maintain software created by other engineers. The demand for specialized Software Engineers continues to grow and expand to almost every sector, as companies have more complex software needs. This high demand, coupled with the lack of professionals available in the market, makes this one of the most sought-after roles in 2024 and also one of the highest paid.

Remember that the detailed explanation of each of these professions is given by Manpowergroup, cited from the Notícias ao Minuto publication.

If your focus is on maximizing your monthly income, you can resort to some strategies to save on your monthly budget. In the case of having credits and/or insurance, it is possible to lower installments by communicating with the contracting entities. By contacting a credit intermediary and insurance mediator, such as Poupança no Minuto, you can gather several different proposals and find a better one with conditions more suitable to what you are looking for!


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